Provably unbounded memory advantage in stochastic simulation using quantum mechanics
Simulating the stochastic evolution of real quantities on a digital computer requires a trade-
off between the precision to which these quantities are approximated, and the memory …
off between the precision to which these quantities are approximated, and the memory …
Drip** faucet dynamics by an improved mass-spring model
An improved mass-spring model for the drip** faucet is presented, which is constructed on
the basis of numerical results recently obtained from our fluid dynamical computations. Both …
the basis of numerical results recently obtained from our fluid dynamical computations. Both …
Inferring statistical complexity in the drip** faucet experiment
We have used topological ε-machine reconstruction to calculate statistical complexity
associated to period five orbits in the drip** faucet experiment. Basic structures related to …
associated to period five orbits in the drip** faucet experiment. Basic structures related to …
Experimental study of drip** dynamics
A D'Innocenzo, F Paladini, L Renna - Physical Review E, 2002 - APS
The dependence of drip** dynamics from physical properties of the nozzles is
investigated. The analysis is performed by means of two complementary methods:(i) long …
investigated. The analysis is performed by means of two complementary methods:(i) long …
Scale invariance as a symmetry in physical and biological systems: listening to photons, bubbles and heartbeats
Many dynamical systems from different areas of knowledge can be studied within the
theoretical framework of time series, where the system can be considered as a black box …
theoretical framework of time series, where the system can be considered as a black box …
Simulations in a drip** faucet experiment
The profiles of two experimental attractors were simulated by using a simple one-
dimensional spring-mass model. Some peculiar behaviors observed in experimental …
dimensional spring-mass model. Some peculiar behaviors observed in experimental …
Using a mass-spring model, we study a periodically forced drip** faucet as an example of
nonfeedback control systems. The model is confirmed to exhibit entrainment from chaotic to …
nonfeedback control systems. The model is confirmed to exhibit entrainment from chaotic to …
Mass on a spring map for the drip** faucet at low flow rates
L Renna - Physical Review E, 2001 - APS
An improved discrete map for the mass-on-a-spring model for the drip** faucet is used to
reproduce the evolution of experimental drip** spectra at low flow rates. If an inverse …
reproduce the evolution of experimental drip** spectra at low flow rates. If an inverse …
Asymmetrical drip**
A D'Innocenzo, F Paladini, L Renna - … E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter …, 2004 - APS
Drip** from a faucet is studied, where by cutting diagonally the tip breaks the cylindrical
symmetry. We measured long drip** time series recorded with a laser-beam apparatus …
symmetry. We measured long drip** time series recorded with a laser-beam apparatus …