Semidefinite programming relaxations for quantum correlations
Semidefinite programs are convex optimization problems involving a linear objective
function and a domain of positive-semidefinite matrices. Over the past two decades, they …
function and a domain of positive-semidefinite matrices. Over the past two decades, they …
Probing quantum correlations in many-body systems: a review of scalable methods
In both classical and quantum many-body physics, it is a core issue to characterize statistical
correlations among different degrees of freedom. From this point of view, a natural question …
correlations among different degrees of freedom. From this point of view, a natural question …
Testing real quantum theory in an optical quantum network
Quantum theory is commonly formulated in complex Hilbert spaces. However, the question
of whether complex numbers need to be given a fundamental role in the theory has been …
of whether complex numbers need to be given a fundamental role in the theory has been …
Experimental aspects of indefinite causal order in quantum mechanics
In the past decade, the toolkit of quantum information has been expanded to include
processes in which the basic operations do not have definite causal relations. Originally …
processes in which the basic operations do not have definite causal relations. Originally …
Full network nonlocality
Networks have advanced the study of nonlocality beyond Bell's theorem. Here, we introduce
the concept of full network nonlocality, which describes correlations that necessitate all links …
the concept of full network nonlocality, which describes correlations that necessitate all links …
Entanglement swap** and quantum correlations via symmetric joint measurements
We use hyperentanglement to experimentally realize deterministic entanglement swap**
based on quantum elegant joint measurements. These are joint projections of two qubits …
based on quantum elegant joint measurements. These are joint projections of two qubits …
Experimental nonclassicality in a causal network without assuming freedom of choice
In a Bell experiment, it is natural to seek a causal account of correlations wherein only a
common cause acts on the outcomes. For this causal structure, Bell inequality violations can …
common cause acts on the outcomes. For this causal structure, Bell inequality violations can …
Complex quantum networks: a topical review
These are exciting times for quantum physics as new quantum technologies are expected to
soon transform computing at an unprecedented level. Simultaneously network science is …
soon transform computing at an unprecedented level. Simultaneously network science is …
No bipartite-nonlocal causal theory can explain nature's correlations
We show that some tripartite quantum correlations are inexplicable by any causal theory
involving bipartite nonclassical common causes and unlimited shared randomness. This …
involving bipartite nonclassical common causes and unlimited shared randomness. This …
Quantum networks self-test all entangled states
Certifying quantum properties with minimal assumptions is a fundamental problem in
quantum information science. Self-testing is a method to infer the underlying physics of a …
quantum information science. Self-testing is a method to infer the underlying physics of a …