Perovskites in catalysis and electrocatalysis
Catalysts for chemical and electrochemical reactions underpin many aspects of modern
technology and industry, from energy storage and conversion to toxic emissions abatement …
technology and industry, from energy storage and conversion to toxic emissions abatement …
Sr segregation in perovskite oxides: why it happens and how it exists
Among the phenomena related to the surface rearrangement of cations in perovskite-based
oxides, A-site cation enrichment, Sr in particular, near the surface has been frequently …
oxides, A-site cation enrichment, Sr in particular, near the surface has been frequently …
Engineering active surface oxygen sites of cubic perovskite cobalt oxides toward catalytic oxidation reactions
Unraveling the role of surface oxygen sites in transition metal oxides during catalytic
reactions has always been the focus of environmental and energy chemistry research …
reactions has always been the focus of environmental and energy chemistry research …
Controlling cation segregation in perovskite-based electrodes for high electro-catalytic activity and durability
Solid oxide cell (SOC) based energy conversion systems have the potential to become the
cleanest and most efficient systems for reversible conversion between electricity and …
cleanest and most efficient systems for reversible conversion between electricity and …
Perovskite oxides–a review on a versatile material class for solar-to-fuel conversion processes
Thermochemical water and carbon dioxide splitting with concentrated solar energy is a
technology for converting renewable solar energy into liquid hydrocarbon fuels as an …
technology for converting renewable solar energy into liquid hydrocarbon fuels as an …
Materials for intermediate-temperature solid-oxide fuel cells
JA Kilner, M Burriel - Annual Review of Materials Research, 2014 - annualreviews.org
Solid-oxide fuel cells are devices for the efficient conversion of chemical energy to electrical
energy and heat. Research efforts are currently addressed toward the optimization of cells …
energy and heat. Research efforts are currently addressed toward the optimization of cells …
Advances in cathode materials for solid oxide fuel cells: complex oxides without alkaline earth metal elements
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) represent one of the cleanest and most efficient options for
the direct conversion of a wide variety of fuels to electricity. For example, SOFCs powered by …
the direct conversion of a wide variety of fuels to electricity. For example, SOFCs powered by …
Compositionally complex perovskite oxides for solar thermochemical water splitting
Solar thermochemical hydrogen (STCH) generation is a promising approach for eco-friendly
H2 production, but conventional STCH redox compounds cannot easily achieve desirable …
H2 production, but conventional STCH redox compounds cannot easily achieve desirable …
A Novel Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell with Micro‐/Nano Channel Anode for Electrolysis at Ultra‐High Current Density over 5 A cm−2
J Cao, Y Li, Y Zheng, S Wang, W Zhang… - Advanced Energy …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) are regarded as promising candidates for the next
generation of energy conversion device due to their extremely high conversion efficiency …
generation of energy conversion device due to their extremely high conversion efficiency …
Ambient pressure XPS study of mixed conducting perovskite-type SOFC cathode and anode materials under well-defined electrochemical polarization
The oxygen exchange activity of mixed conducting oxide surfaces has been widely
investigated, but a detailed understanding of the corresponding reaction mechanisms and …
investigated, but a detailed understanding of the corresponding reaction mechanisms and …