Set propagation techniques for reachability analysis
Reachability analysis consists in computing the set of states that are reachable by a
dynamical system from all initial states and for all admissible inputs and parameters. It is a …
dynamical system from all initial states and for all admissible inputs and parameters. It is a …
Computer-assisted proofs in PDE: a survey
Computer-assisted proofs in PDE: a survey | SeMA Journal Skip to main content Springer
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Nature Link Account Menu Find a journal Publish with us Track your research Search Cart 1.Home …
Flow*: An analyzer for non-linear hybrid systems
Abstract The tool Flow* performs Taylor model-based flowpipe construction for non-linear
(polynomial) hybrid systems. Flow* combines well-known Taylor model arithmetic …
(polynomial) hybrid systems. Flow* combines well-known Taylor model arithmetic …
Reachability analysis for neural feedback systems using regressive polynomial rule inference
We present an approach to construct reachable set overapproximations for continuous-time
dynamical systems controlled using neural network feedback systems. Feedforward deep …
dynamical systems controlled using neural network feedback systems. Feedforward deep …
[ספר][B] Introduction to interval analysis
RE Moore, RB Kearfott, MJ Cloud - 2009 - SIAM
This book is intended primarily for those not yet familiar with methods for computing with
intervals of real numbers and what can be done with these methods. Using a pair [a, b] of …
intervals of real numbers and what can be done with these methods. Using a pair [a, b] of …
Arb: efficient arbitrary-precision midpoint-radius interval arithmetic
Arb is a C library for arbitrary-precision interval arithmetic using the midpoint-radius
representation, also known as ball arithmetic. It supports real and complex numbers …
representation, also known as ball arithmetic. It supports real and complex numbers …
The parameterization method for invariant manifolds
Poincaré's program for the global analysis of a dynamical system starts by considering
simple solutions, such as equilibria and periodic orbits, together with their corresponding …
simple solutions, such as equilibria and periodic orbits, together with their corresponding …
[ספר][B] Elementary functions
JM Muller, JM Muller - 2006 - Springer
This book is devoted to the computation of the elementary functions. Here, we call
elementary functions the most commonly used mathematical functions: sin, cos, tan, sin− 1 …
elementary functions the most commonly used mathematical functions: sin, cos, tan, sin− 1 …
Complete search in continuous global optimization and constraint satisfaction
This survey covers the state of the art of techniques for solving general-purpose constrained
global optimization problems and continuous constraint satisfaction problems, with …
global optimization problems and continuous constraint satisfaction problems, with …
[HTML][HTML] A Chebyshev interval method for nonlinear dynamic systems under uncertainty
This paper proposes a new interval analysis method for the dynamic response of nonlinear
systems with uncertain-but-bounded parameters using Chebyshev polynomial series …
systems with uncertain-but-bounded parameters using Chebyshev polynomial series …