Influence of tree crown density and density of the herbaceous layer on the structure of litter macrofauna of the deciduous forests of Ukraine steppe zone

VV Brygadyrenko - Biosystems Diversity, 2015 -
The count of litter macrofauna was carried out in 339 natural deciduous forest sites in
Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Nikolaev and Donetsk regions of Ukraine in 2001-2014. It …

Dynamic stability of communities of amphibians in short-term-flooded forest ecosystems

OV Zhukov, NL Gubanova - Biosystems Diversity, 2015 -
The estimation of stability of amphibian populations on the basis of data of population
dynamics is given. The paper shows an attempt to estimate the direction of dynamic …

Role of landscape diversity in dynamics of abundance of sugar beet pests population in Poltava region

OV Zhukov, PV Pisarenko, OM Kunah… - Biosystems …, 2015 -
Indicators of landscape-ecological diversity of territory of the Poltava region according to
remote sensing of the Earth have been established, and its role in determination of …

Arthropods in trophic-cenosis structure of collared flycatcher consortium in conditions of forest ecosystems of North-Eastern Ukraine

AB Chaplygina, VN Gramma, DI Bondarets… - Biosystems …, 2015 -
The study is based on taxonomic and quantitative analysis of feed ration of nestlings and
structure of nidikolas of collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis (Temminck, 1815)). Ecological …

Transformation of the community of nesting birds in the process of reorganization of the forest ecosystem into a park

VA Gaychenko, TV Shupova - Ecology and Noospherology, 2019 -
Abstract Changes in nesting conditions cause a change in the number of individual species,
ecological groups, and, consequently, the structure of the bird community. The purpose of …

Diversity and dynamics of amphibians in floodplain ecosystems of the Samara river

OV Zhukov, NL Gubanova - Biosystems Diversity, 2015 -
High emphasis is placed on amphibian importance as a buffer system, which has inhibiting
effect on technogenic transformation of biogeocoenoses. Issues of the animals' use in …

Динамічна стійкість угруповання земноводних короткозаплавних лісових екосистем

ОВ Жуков, НЛ Губанова - Вісник Дніпропетровського університету …, 2015 -
Надано оцінку стійкості популяцій земноводних на основі даних динаміки чисельності.
Зроблено спробу оцінити напрям динамічних змін популяцій земноводних. Визначено …

Impact of emissions of Pridneprovsk TPP in Dnipropetrovsk on the anatomical indices of stem of two-year whip of the Tilia genus representatives

ZV Gritzay, LV Shupranova - Biosystems Diversity, 2015 -
The paper presents discussion of the results of studying the impact of environmental
contamination because of emissions of Pridneprovsk TPP in Dnipropetrovsk city on the …

The impact of high commercial fishery load on biological indices of the roach (Rutilus rutilus)

GO Kotovska, DS Khrystenko, RO Novitskiy - Biosystems Diversity, 2015 -
Age composition, length and weight indices of the roach populations (Rutilus rutilus L.) were
analyzed and compared in water bodies with the different commercial fishery loading levels …

Роль ландшафтного різноманіття у динаміці чисельності популяцій шкідників цукрового буряку в Полтавській області

ОВ Жуков, ПВ Писаренко, ОМ Кунах… - … . Екологія.–2015.–Вип, 2015 -
Установлено показники ландшафтно-екологічного різноманіття території Полтавської
області за даними дистанційного зондування Землі та оцінено його роль у визначенні …