CO2 capture with potassium carbonate solutions: A state-of-the-art review
The potassium carbonate (PC) solution is an important chemical solvent to reduce CO 2
emissions due to its advantages of low cost, little toxicity, ease of regeneration, slow …
emissions due to its advantages of low cost, little toxicity, ease of regeneration, slow …
Current development and challenges in the intensified absorption technology for natural gas purification at offshore condition
The continuously increasing of sour natural gas reservoirs worldwide necessitate a highly
efficient CO 2 removal technology for offshore application. Therefore, the intensification …
efficient CO 2 removal technology for offshore application. Therefore, the intensification …
Comparison of various configurations of the absorption-regeneration process using different solvents for the post-combustion CO2 capture applied to cement plant flue …
Abstract Carbon Capture Utilization or Storage (CCUS) has gained widespread attention as
an option for reducing CO 2 emissions from power plants but specific developments are still …
an option for reducing CO 2 emissions from power plants but specific developments are still …
Analysis of hydraulic performance in a structured packing column for air/water system: RSM and ANN modeling
The study investigated the hydraulic characteristics of a structured packing column for an
air/water system using two modeling approaches: artificial neural network (ANN) and …
air/water system using two modeling approaches: artificial neural network (ANN) and …
Reducing the Cost of CO2 Capture from Flue Gases Using Aqueous Chemical Absorption
Chemical absorption is widely regarded as the most promising technology for CO2 capture
from large industrial sources in the short term. The cost of CO2 capture from postcombustion …
from large industrial sources in the short term. The cost of CO2 capture from postcombustion …
[HTML][HTML] CO2 Utilization via Integration of an Industrial Post-Combustion Capture Process with a Urea Plant: Process Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis
Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) may offer a response to climate change mitigation
from major industrial emitters. CCU can turn waste CO2 emissions into valuable products …
from major industrial emitters. CCU can turn waste CO2 emissions into valuable products …
Rate based modeling of absorption and regeneration for CO2 capture by aqueous ammonia solution
M Zhang, Y Guo - Applied Energy, 2013 - Elsevier
A rate-based model, RateFrac, in Aspen Plus process simulator, is used to simulate the CO
2 absorption and regeneration processes of a research scale pilot plant. The simulation …
2 absorption and regeneration processes of a research scale pilot plant. The simulation …
Demonstration of a Concentrated Potassium Carbonate Process for CO2 Capture
A precipitating potassium carbonate (K2CO3)-based solvent absorption process has been
developed by the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies …
developed by the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies …
Optimization of energy requirements and 4E analysis for an integrated post-combustion CO2 capture utilizing MEA solvent from a cement plant flue gas
M Shamsi, E Naeiji, M Vaziri, S Moghaddas… - Environment …, 2023 - Springer
Carbon dioxide emission through various industries has become a global problem. As a
method of reducing CO2 emissions from power plants, carbon capture utilization or storage …
method of reducing CO2 emissions from power plants, carbon capture utilization or storage …
Pre-combustion capture of CO2—Results from solvent absorption pilot plant trials using 30 wt% potassium carbonate and boric acid promoted potassium carbonate …
Pre-combustion capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from synthesis gas has been demonstrated
using a solvent absorption pilot plant. The plant was designed to capture 30–50kg/h (∼ …
using a solvent absorption pilot plant. The plant was designed to capture 30–50kg/h (∼ …