Genetic relatedness predicts contact frequencies with siblings, nieces and nephews: Results from the Generational Transmissions in Finland surveys
AO Tanskanen, M Danielsbacka - Personality and Individual Differences, 2014 - Elsevier
Kin selection theory predicts that people should invest more in their full than their half
siblings, and more in their nieces and nephews via full siblings than via half siblings. To …
siblings, and more in their nieces and nephews via full siblings than via half siblings. To …
Willingness to invest in children: Psychological kinship estimates and emotional closeness
J Antfolk, LC Karlsson, J Söderlund… - Evolutionary …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
In general, adults invest more in related children compared to unrelated children. To test
whether this pattern reflects variations in psychological kinship estimates (ie, putative …
whether this pattern reflects variations in psychological kinship estimates (ie, putative …
Do parents favor their adoptive or biological children? Predictions from kin selection and compensatory models
Abstract Evolutionary reasoning (Kin Selection Theory) predicts less favorable behaviors
directed by parents toward their unrelated children, relative to their biologically related …
directed by parents toward their unrelated children, relative to their biologically related …
Kin investment by step-grandparents—more than expected
Asymmetric grandparental caregiving is usually explained by the paternity certainty
hypothesis. Accordingly, the lower investment by grandfathers (GFs) and paternal …
hypothesis. Accordingly, the lower investment by grandfathers (GFs) and paternal …
Multi-partner fertility is associated with lower grandparental investment from in-laws in Finland
Divorce and remarriage influence family relations, yet few studies explore changes in
grandparenting due to family recomposition. We study variations in grandparental …
grandparenting due to family recomposition. We study variations in grandparental …
The association between unequal parental treatment and the sibling relationship in Finland: The difference between full and half-siblings
M Danielsbacka, AO Tanskanen - Evolutionary Psychology, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Studies have shown that unequal parental treatment is associated with relationship quality
between siblings. However, it is unclear how it affects the relationship between full and half …
between siblings. However, it is unclear how it affects the relationship between full and half …
Gift giving at Israeli weddings as a function of genetic relatedness and kinship certainty
S Tifferet, G Saad, M Meiri, N Ido - Journal of Consumer …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
This study examines gift giving at Israeli weddings. In accordance with kin selection theory,
we hypothesized that wedding guests possessing greater genetic relatedness to the …
we hypothesized that wedding guests possessing greater genetic relatedness to the …
Predicting sibling investment by perceived sibling resemblance.
S Tifferet, T Pollet, A Bar, H Efrati - Evolutionary Behavioral …, 2016 - psycnet.apa.org
Using resemblance cues, people can identify highly related kin and treat them preferentially
over less related or unrelated individuals, all else being equal. However, differences in …
over less related or unrelated individuals, all else being equal. However, differences in …
Reasoning and relatedness
EL Thompson, CMS Plowright, CM Atance… - Evolution and Human …, 2015 - Elsevier
The purpose of this study was to test for an effect of biological relatedness on reasoning in a
Wason card selection task. The behavior of children in a day care was described in a …
Wason card selection task. The behavior of children in a day care was described in a …
Vztahy mezi členy znovusložených rodin a osobní pohoda dítěte
M Němcová - 2020 - dspace.cuni.cz
Čím dál častějším typem rodinného soužití jsou dnes tzv. znovusložené rodiny. Velmi málo
je u nás ovšem známo o tom, jaká specifika mají vztahy mezi jednotlivými členy těchto rodin …
je u nás ovšem známo o tom, jaká specifika mají vztahy mezi jednotlivými členy těchto rodin …