The Activation‐Relaxation Technique: ART Nouveau and Kinetic ART
The evolution of many systems is dominated by rare activated events that occur on timescale
ranging from nanoseconds to the hour or more. For such systems, simulations must leave …
ranging from nanoseconds to the hour or more. For such systems, simulations must leave …
Solute–point defect interactions in bcc systems: Focus on first principles modelling in W and RPV steels
CS Becquart, C Domain - Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials …, 2012 - Elsevier
The microstructure of materials and its evolution are influenced by the interaction of point
defects with the solute atoms, already present or introduced by irradiation. Electronic …
defects with the solute atoms, already present or introduced by irradiation. Electronic …
Solute diffusion by self-interstitial defects and radiation-induced segregation in ferritic Fe–X (X= Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, P, Si) dilute alloys
This work investigates solute transport due to self-interstitial defects and radiation induced
segregation tendencies in dilute ferritic alloys, by computing the transport coefficients of …
segregation tendencies in dilute ferritic alloys, by computing the transport coefficients of …
Parameter-free quantitative simulation of high-dose microstructure and hydrogen retention in ion-irradiated tungsten
Hydrogen isotopes are retained in plasma-facing fusion materials, triggering hydrogen
embrittlement and changing tritium inventory as a function of exposure to neutron irradiation …
embrittlement and changing tritium inventory as a function of exposure to neutron irradiation …
Kinetic activation-relaxation technique
We present a detailed description of the kinetic activation-relaxation technique (k-ART), an
off-lattice, self-learning kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) algorithm with on-the-fly event search …
off-lattice, self-learning kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) algorithm with on-the-fly event search …
Irradiation-Induced Formation of Nanocrystallites with Laves Phase Structure in bcc Iron
A three-dimensional periodic structure is proposed for self-interstitial clusters in body-
centered-cubic metals, as opposed to the conventional two-dimensional loop morphology …
centered-cubic metals, as opposed to the conventional two-dimensional loop morphology …
Efficient and transferable machine learning potentials for the simulation of crystal defects in bcc Fe and W
Data-driven, or machine learning (ML), approaches have become viable alternatives to
semiempirical methods to construct interatomic potentials, due to their capacity to accurately …
semiempirical methods to construct interatomic potentials, due to their capacity to accurately …
Ab initio scaling laws for the formation energy of nanosized interstitial defect clusters in iron, tungsten, and vanadium
The size limitation of ab initio calculations impedes first-principles simulations of crystal
defects at nanometer sizes. Considering clusters of self-interstitial atoms as a paradigm for …
defects at nanometer sizes. Considering clusters of self-interstitial atoms as a paradigm for …
General-purpose neural network interatomic potential for the -iron and hydrogen binary system: Toward atomic-scale understanding of hydrogen embrittlement
To understand the physics of hydrogen embrittlement at the atomic scale, a general-purpose
neural network interatomic potential (NNIP) for the α-iron and hydrogen binary system is …
neural network interatomic potential (NNIP) for the α-iron and hydrogen binary system is …
Rearrangement of interstitial defects in alpha-Fe under extreme condition
A Chartier, MC Marinica - Acta Materialia, 2019 - Elsevier
In this study, by theoretical means, we reveal the main mechanisms that underpin the
microstructure evolution driven by the formation of self-interstitial atoms (SIAs) clusters in …
microstructure evolution driven by the formation of self-interstitial atoms (SIAs) clusters in …