Ecotourism for conservation?
Ecotourism originated in the 1980s, at the dawn of sustainable development, as a way to
channel tourism revenues into conservation and development. Despite the “win-win” idea …
channel tourism revenues into conservation and development. Despite the “win-win” idea …
Principles for including conservation messaging in wildlife‐based tourism
There is growing evidence that wildlife‐based tourism can be a valuable pathway to
transform the environmental knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of tourists, if …
transform the environmental knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of tourists, if …
Ecotourism certification and regional low-carbon sustainable development: A quasi-experimental study based on the Prototype-zone of National Ecotourism …
X Huang, J Song, L Yang, L Zhong, K Yan - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023 - Elsevier
Despite ecotourism certification's efficacy as a potential environmental management tool for
promoting sustainable development, the applicability of Western ecotourism certification …
promoting sustainable development, the applicability of Western ecotourism certification …
[HTML][HTML] Map** ecotourism potential in Bangladesh: The integration of an analytical hierarchy algorithm and geospatial data
M Abtahee, AA Islam, MN Haque, H Zonaed, SM Ritu… - Sustainability, 2023 - mdpi.com
The significance of ecotourism has been increasing due to its potential for biodiversity
preservation, economic advancement, and the promotion of sustainability awareness. In this …
preservation, economic advancement, and the promotion of sustainability awareness. In this …
Toward tourism-oriented community-based natural resource management for sustainability and climate change mitigation leadership in rural municipalities
AI Ramaano - Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose The study aimed to outlay the substantial relationship to information and studies on
sustainable tourism, environmental sustainability and local resource governance issues. It …
sustainable tourism, environmental sustainability and local resource governance issues. It …
Decreased tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic positively affects reef fish in a high use marine protected area
Humans alter ecosystems through both consumptive and non-consumptive effects.
Consumptive effects occur through hunting, fishing and collecting, while non-consumptive …
Consumptive effects occur through hunting, fishing and collecting, while non-consumptive …
Low survivals and rapid demographic decline of a threatened estuarine delphinid
W Lin, R Zheng, B Liu, S Chen, M Lin, M Liu… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Beibu Gulf's (BBG) Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins present both a genetic differentiation
and phenotypical differences from conspecifics from other areas of the South China Sea …
and phenotypical differences from conspecifics from other areas of the South China Sea …
[HTML][HTML] Orangutan ecotourism on Sumatra Island: Current conditions and a call for further development
This paper aimed to provide a narrative review of the current conditions of orangutan
ecotourism on Sumatra Island, problems in the current management systems, and some …
ecotourism on Sumatra Island, problems in the current management systems, and some …
Clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory features of Mayaro virus infection: a systematic review
CR Silva-Ramos, JA Mejorano-Fonseca… - Current Tropical …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Purpose of Review Mayaro virus is an arbovirus that circulates in a wild cycle
transmitted by Haemagogus janthinomys; however, case reports in urban areas suggest that …
transmitted by Haemagogus janthinomys; however, case reports in urban areas suggest that …
[PDF][PDF] Ecotourism: a holistic assessment of environmental and socioeconomic effects towards sustainable development
S Kumar, N Hasija, V Kumar… - Current World …, 2023 - cwejournal.org
Ecotourism has garnered substantial scholarly and public interest as an environmentally
conscious and sustainable variant of tourism with the primary objectives of fostering …
conscious and sustainable variant of tourism with the primary objectives of fostering …