[PDF][PDF] A multilevel item response model for item position effects and individual persistence

J Hartig, J Buchholz - Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 2012 - Citeseer
The paper presents a multilevel item response model for item position effects. It includes
individual differences regarding the position effect to which we refer to as the persistence of …

Multilevel modeling of item position effects

AD Albano - Journal of Educational Measurement, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
In many testing programs it is assumed that the context or position in which an item is
administered does not have a differential effect on examinee responses to the item …

Graph-based learning of nonlinear physiological interactions for classification of emotions

H Huang, M Fan, CA Chou - Pattern Recognition, 2023 - Elsevier
Emotion recognition has been drawing the attention of researchers and practitioners in
recent years. While various research studies show successful applications to recognize and …

[HTML][HTML] Regularized mixture Rasch model

A Robitzsch - Information, 2022 - mdpi.com
The mixture Rasch model is a popular mixture model for analyzing multivariate binary data.
The drawback of this model is that the number of estimated parameters substantially …

[HTML][HTML] Exploring the multiverse of analytical decisions in scaling educational large-scale assessment data: A specification curve analysis for PISA 2018 mathematics …

A Robitzsch - European Journal of Investigation in Health …, 2022 - mdpi.com
In educational large-scale assessment (LSA) studies such as PISA, item response theory
(IRT) scaling models summarize students' performance on cognitive test items across …

A structural equation modeling approach for examining position effects in large-scale assessments

O Bulut, Q Quo, MJ Gierl - Large-scale Assessments in Education, 2017 - Springer
Position effects may occur in both paper–pencil tests and computerized assessments when
examinees respond to the same test items located in different positions on the test. To …

Computerized adaptive testing in early education: Exploring the impact of item position effects on ability estimation

AD Albano, L Cai, EM Lease… - Journal of Educational …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Studies have shown that item difficulty can vary significantly based on the context of an item
within a test form. In particular, item position may be associated with practice and fatigue …

Essays zu methodischen herausforderungen im large-scale assessment

A Robitzsch - 2016 - edoc.hu-berlin.de
Mit der wachsenden Verbreitung empirischer Schulleistungsleistungen im Large-Scale
Assessment gehen eine Reihe methodischer Herausforderungen einher. Die vorliegende …

A Bayesian item response model for examining item position effects in complex survey data

M Trendtel, A Robitzsch - Journal of Educational and …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
A multidimensional Bayesian item response model is proposed for modeling item position
effects. The first dimension corresponds to the ability that is to be measured; the second …

Analyzing the interaction of item position effect and student characteristics within explanatory IRT models

S Demirkol, H Kelecioğlu - Journal of Measurement and Evaluation …, 2022 - dergipark.org.tr
The location of the same item in different positions among booklets leads to a biased
estimation of item parameters. This undesirable effect on the probability of answering the …