Soil protists: a fertile frontier in soil biology research
Protists include all eukaryotes except plants, fungi and animals. They are an essential, yet
often forgotten, component of the soil microbiome. Method developments have now …
often forgotten, component of the soil microbiome. Method developments have now …
Role of environmental factors in sha** the soil microbiome
The soil microbiome comprises one of the most important and complex components of all
terrestrial ecosystems as it harbors millions of microbes including bacteria, fungi, archaea …
terrestrial ecosystems as it harbors millions of microbes including bacteria, fungi, archaea …
Contrasting patterns and drivers of soil bacterial and fungal diversity across a mountain gradient
Microbial elevational diversity patterns have been extensively studied, but their sha**
mechanisms remain to be explored. Here, we examined soil bacterial and fungal diversity …
mechanisms remain to be explored. Here, we examined soil bacterial and fungal diversity …
Abundance and diversity of bacterial, archaeal, and fungal communities along an altitudinal gradient in alpine forest soils: what are the driving factors?
Shifts in soil microbial communities over altitudinal gradients and the driving factors are
poorly studied. Their elucidation is indispensable to gain a comprehensive understanding of …
poorly studied. Their elucidation is indispensable to gain a comprehensive understanding of …
Soil fungal diversity in natural grasslands of the Tibetan Plateau: associations with plant diversity and productivity
Previous studies have revealed inconsistent correlations between fungal diversity and plant
diversity from local to global scales, and there is a lack of information about the diversity …
diversity from local to global scales, and there is a lack of information about the diversity …
Thirty four years of nitrogen fertilization decreases fungal diversity and alters fungal community composition in black soil in northeast China
J Zhou, X Jiang, B Zhou, B Zhao, M Ma, D Guan… - Soil Biology and …, 2016 - Elsevier
Black soil is one of the main soil types in northeast China, and plays an important role in
Chinese crop production. However, nitrogen inputs over 50 years have led to reduced black …
Chinese crop production. However, nitrogen inputs over 50 years have led to reduced black …
Microbes follow Humboldt: temperature drives plant and soil microbial diversity patterns from the Amazon to the Andes
More than 200 years ago, Alexander von Humboldt reported that tropical plant species
richness decreased with increasing elevation and decreasing temperature. Surprisingly …
richness decreased with increasing elevation and decreasing temperature. Surprisingly …
Soil microbial biogeography in a changing world: recent advances and future perspectives
Soil microbial communities are fundamental to maintaining key soil processes associated
with litter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and plant productivity and are thus integral to …
with litter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and plant productivity and are thus integral to …
Microbial taxa distribution is associated with ecological trophic cascades along an elevation gradient
The elevational pattern of soil microbial diversity along mountain slopes has received
considerable interest over the last decade. An increasing amount of taxonomic data on soil …
considerable interest over the last decade. An increasing amount of taxonomic data on soil …
Soil carbon content drives the biogeographical distribution of fungal communities in the black soil zone of northeast China
Black soils (Mollisols) are one of the most important soil resources for maintaining food
security in China, and they are mainly distributed in northeast China. A previous …
security in China, and they are mainly distributed in northeast China. A previous …