Using ecosystem services to represent the environment in hydro-economic models
Demand for water is expected to grow in line with global human population growth, but
opportunities to augment supply are limited in many places due to resource limits and …
opportunities to augment supply are limited in many places due to resource limits and …
Multi-objective optimal allocation of regional water resources based on slime mould algorithm
X Wu, Z Wang - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2022 - Springer
The slime mold algorithm (SMA) is applied to optimize the allocation of water resources in
Wuzhi. The cost of using mathematical methods to optimize an engineered water allocation …
Wuzhi. The cost of using mathematical methods to optimize an engineered water allocation …
Optimal water allocation through a multi-objective compromise between environmental, social, and economic preferences
Raising water demands and insufficient freshwater resources are the main reasons of water
conflicts in transboundary watersheds. Sustainable water allocation can be a resolution for …
conflicts in transboundary watersheds. Sustainable water allocation can be a resolution for …
Optimal development of agricultural sectors in the basin based on economic efficiency and social equality
The limitation of freshwater resources and the growing demand for water, make the issue of
water resource development planning and water allocation among stakeholders even more …
water resource development planning and water allocation among stakeholders even more …
A linear bi-level multi-objective program for optimal allocation of water resources
This paper presents a simple bi-level multi-objective linear program (BLMOLP) with a
hierarchical structure consisting of reservoir managers and several water use sectors under …
hierarchical structure consisting of reservoir managers and several water use sectors under …
A decision tool based on bilevel optimization for the allocation of water resources in a hierarchical system
This paper addresses the optimal allocation of water among competing stakeholders during
a finite planning horizon. We focus on those water systems where there are two levels of …
a finite planning horizon. We focus on those water systems where there are two levels of …
A multi-objective approach for transboundary river water allocation
The allocation of water to the stakeholders of a large basin involves conflicting objectives,
since increasing the allocated water to one stakeholder leads to a reduction in water …
since increasing the allocated water to one stakeholder leads to a reduction in water …
Multi-objective linear programming for optimal water allocation based on satisfaction and economic criterion
In this study, a simple deterministic water allocation model was developed to optimally
allocate limited available water resources among different water-use sectors. The model …
allocate limited available water resources among different water-use sectors. The model …
The construction of a water rights system in China that is suited to the strictest water resources management system
M Dou, Y Wang - Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2017 - iwaponline.com
Establishing a modern water rights system (WRS) that is suited to the Strictest Water
Resources Management System (SWRM) is an important reform in China's water resources …
Resources Management System (SWRM) is an important reform in China's water resources …
A basin-wide approach for water allocation and dams location-allocation
Construction of new dams in undeveloped transboundary basins causes two serious
disputes between the stakeholders: conflicts over more water interest and over the new …
disputes between the stakeholders: conflicts over more water interest and over the new …