Review of two-photon exchange in electron scattering

J Arrington, PG Blunden, W Melnitchouk - Progress in Particle and Nuclear …, 2011 - Elsevier
We review the role of two-photon exchange (TPE) in electron–hadron scattering, focusing in
particular on hadronic frameworks suitable for describing the low and moderate Q2 region …

Electric and magnetic form factors of the proton

JC Bernauer, MO Distler, J Friedrich, T Walcher… - Physical Review C, 2014 - APS
This paper describes a precise measurement of electron scattering off the proton at
momentum transfers of 0.003≲ Q 2≲ 1 GeV 2. The average point-to-point error of the cross …

Hard two-photon contribution to elastic lepton-proton scattering determined by the OLYMPUS experiment

BS Henderson, LD Ice, D Khaneft, C O'Connor… - Physical review …, 2017 - APS
The OLYMPUS Collaboration reports on a precision measurement of the positron-proton to
electron-proton elastic cross section ratio, R 2 γ, a direct measure of the contribution of hard …

Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon: new fit and analysis of uncertainties

WM Alberico, SM Bilenky, C Giunti, KM Graczyk - Physical Review C—Nuclear …, 2009 - APS
Electromagnetic form factors of proton and neutron, obtained from a new fit of data, are
presented. The proton form factors are obtained from a simultaneous fit to the ratio μ p G …

Subtracted dispersion relation formalism for the two-photon exchange correction to elastic electron-proton scattering: Comparison with data

O Tomalak, M Vanderhaeghen - The European Physical Journal A, 2015 - Springer
We apply a subtracted dispersion relation formalism with the aim to improve predictions for
the two-photon exchange corrections to elastic electron-proton scattering observables at …

Flavor decomposition of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors

IA Qattan, J Arrington - Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics, 2012 - APS
Background: The spatial distribution of charge and magnetization in the proton and neutron
are encoded in the nucleon electromagnetic form factors. The form factors are all …

The OLYMPUS experiment

R Milner, DK Hasell, M Kohl, U Schneekloth… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2014 - Elsevier
The OLYMPUS experiment was designed to measure the ratio between the positron–proton
and electron–proton elastic scattering cross-sections, with the goal of determining the …

Form factors and two-photon exchange in high-energy elastic electron-proton scattering

ME Christy, T Gautam, L Ou, B Schmookler, Y Wang… - Physical review …, 2022 - APS
We present new precision measurements of the elastic electron-proton scattering cross
section for momentum transfer (Q 2) up to 15.75 (GeV/c) 2. Combined with existing data …

Reexamination of phenomenological two-photon exchange corrections to the proton form factors and scattering

IA Qattan, A Alsaad, J Arrington - Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics, 2011 - APS
We extract the two-photon exchange (TPE) contributions to electron-proton elastic scattering
using two parametrizations and compare the results to different phenomenological …

Flavor decomposition of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors at low

IA Qattan, J Arrington, A Alsaad - Physical Review C, 2015 - APS
Background: The spatial distribution of charge and magnetization within the proton is
encoded in the elastic form factors. These have been precisely measured in elastic electron …