High efficiency holmium-doped triple-clad fiber laser at 2120 nm
B Beaumont, P Bourdon, A Barnini… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2022 - opg.optica.org
We developed a new holmium-doped triple-clad fiber (Ho-3CF), reducing the clad diameter
to improve the overlap between pump and doped-core, and the holmium concentration to …
to improve the overlap between pump and doped-core, and the holmium concentration to …
Holmium-doped fiber amplifier for pum** a ZnGeP2 optical parametric oscillator
LG Holmen, H Fonnum - Optics Express, 2021 - opg.optica.org
We present a holmium-doped all-fiber master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) system
operating at 2108 nm targeting optical frequency conversion applications. The MOPA …
operating at 2108 nm targeting optical frequency conversion applications. The MOPA …
Nanoparticle and solution do** for efficient holmium fiber lasers
Efficient holmium fiber lasers have been studied as attractive laser sources operating
around 2.1 μm. We report on holmium-doped silica fibers prepared by the modified chemical …
around 2.1 μm. We report on holmium-doped silica fibers prepared by the modified chemical …
Theoretical analysis of ESA-enhanced 2.8 μm lasing in Er-doped ZBLAN fiber lasers
C Guo, J Lin, Z Tang, K Li, L Tu, J Wang… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A detailed analysis of theexcited state absorption (ESA) transition 4 I 13/2→ 4 I 9/2 which
occurs in erbium (Er) doped ZBLAN fiber lasers is performed through numerical modeling. It …
occurs in erbium (Er) doped ZBLAN fiber lasers is performed through numerical modeling. It …
Modeling of a Cascaded Mid-Infrared Fiber Laser at 2.78 μm and 3.44 μm Dual-Wavelength Pumped at 0.98 μm and 1.15 μm
A novel 0.98 μm and 1.15 μm dual-wavelength pum** scheme for cascaded mid-infrared
Er-doped ZBLAN fiber laser at 3.44 μm and 2.78 μm is proposed and analyzed by a detailed …
Er-doped ZBLAN fiber laser at 3.44 μm and 2.78 μm is proposed and analyzed by a detailed …
Realization and simulation of high-power holmium doped fiber lasers for long-range transmission
We report on our realization of a high-power holmium doped fiber laser, together with the
validation of our numerical simulation of the laser. We first present the measurements of the …
validation of our numerical simulation of the laser. We first present the measurements of the …
[HTML][HTML] Performance optimization of holmium doped fiber amplifiers for optical communication applications in 2–2.15 μm wavelength range
In this paper, we address the performance optimization of Holmium doped fiber amplifier
(HDFA) for optical communications in 2–2.15 μm wavelength range based on a single in …
(HDFA) for optical communications in 2–2.15 μm wavelength range based on a single in …
Investigation of Absorption Dynamics From the Excited State 5I7 of Holmium Ions in Optical Silica-Based Fibers
SA Filatova, AE Fale, VA Kamynin… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Absorption of continuous wave and pulsed resonance radiation at a wavelength of 1.6 µm at
the upward transition from the excited state of holmium (Ho 3+) ions in silica-based fiber has …
the upward transition from the excited state of holmium (Ho 3+) ions in silica-based fiber has …
Novel pum** scheme of Holmium doped fiber amplifiers operating around 2μm using 1.48 μm lasers exploiting cascaded fiber lasers
The optical communication window around 2 μ m is attracting significant research attention
for future optical communication systems as an extension to the C-, L-, and U-bands. One of …
for future optical communication systems as an extension to the C-, L-, and U-bands. One of …
2 μm Watt-Level Fiber Amplifiers, Lasers, and ASE Sources Pumped by Broadband ASE Pumps
We report the design and demonstration of novel 2 μm band Watt-level fiber amplifiers, fiber
lasers, and wideband ASE sources that are pumped with broad spectrum Watt-level ASE …
lasers, and wideband ASE sources that are pumped with broad spectrum Watt-level ASE …