The relationship between asymmetry and athletic performance: A critical review

SJ Maloney - The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2019 -
Maloney, SJ. The relationship between asymmetry and athletic performance: A critical
review. J Strength Cond Res 33 (9): 2579–2593, 2019—Symmetry may be defined as the …

The evolutionary psychology of facial beauty

G Rhodes - Annu. Rev. Psychol., 2006 -
What makes a face attractive and why do we have the preferences we do? Emergence of
preferences early in development and cross-cultural agreement on attractiveness challenge …

[SÁCH][B] The handicap principle: A missing piece of Darwin's puzzle

A Zahavi, A Zahavi - 1999 -
Ever since Darwin, animal behavior has intrigued and perplexed human observers. The
elaborate mating rituals, lavish decorative displays, complex songs, calls, dances and many …

[SÁCH][B] Female control: sexual selection by cryptic female choice

W Eberhard - 1996 -
A growing body of evidence has begun to reveal flaws in the traditional assumption of
female passivity and lack of discrimination after copulation has begun. William Eberhard has …

Human (Homo sapiens) facial attractiveness and sexual selection: the role of symmetry and averageness.

K Grammer, R Thornhill - Journal of comparative psychology, 1994 -
Hypothesized from the parasite theory of sexual selection that men (Homo sapiens) would
prefer averageness and symmetry in women's faces, that women would prefer averageness …

[SÁCH][B] Bumblebees: behaviour, ecology, and conservation

D Goulson - 2010 -
Bumblebees are familiar and charismatic insects, occurring throughout much of the world.
They are increasingly being used as a model organism for studying a wide range of …

[SÁCH][B] Asymmetry, developmental stability and evolution

AP Møller, JP Swaddle - 1997 -
Why does nature love symmetry? In Asymmetry, Developmental Stability and Evolution, M--
oslash--; ller and Swaddle analyse the evolutionary implications of symmetry. They advance …

Sexual selection

M Andersson, Y Iwasa - Trends in ecology & evolution, 1996 - Elsevier
Competition over mates takes many forms and has far-reaching consequences for many
organisms. Recent work suggests that relative reproductive rates of males and females …

Evolution of primate social systems

PM Kappeler, CP van Schaik - International journal of primatology, 2002 - Springer
We review evolutionary processes and mechanisms that gave rise to the diversity of primate
social systems. We define social organization, social structure and mating system as distinct …

Facial symmetry and the perception of beauty

G Rhodes, F Proffitt, JM Grady, A Sumich - Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1998 - Springer
Evolutionary, as well as cultural, pressures may contribute to our perceptions of facial
attractiveness. Biologists predict that facial symmetry should be attractive, because it may …