[BOK][B] The design and analysis of computer experiments
TJ Santner, BJ Williams, WI Notz, BJ Williams - 2003 - Springer
Experiments have long been used to study the relationship between a set of inputs to a
physical system and the resulting output. Termed physical experiments in this text, there is a …
physical system and the resulting output. Termed physical experiments in this text, there is a …
Computer experiments: a review
In this paper we provide a broad introduction to the topic of computer experiments. We begin
by briefly presenting a number of applications with different types of output or different goals …
by briefly presenting a number of applications with different types of output or different goals …
Gaussian process models for computer experiments with qualitative and quantitative factors
Modeling experiments with qualitative and quantitative factors is an important issue in
computer modeling. We propose a framework for building Gaussian process models that …
computer modeling. We propose a framework for building Gaussian process models that …
Sliced Latin hypercube designs
PZG Qian - Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
This article proposes a method for constructing a new type of space-filling design, called a
sliced Latin hypercube design, intended for running computer experiments. Such a design is …
sliced Latin hypercube design, intended for running computer experiments. Such a design is …
Computer experiments with qualitative and quantitative variables: A review and reexamination
Y Zhang, WI Notz - Quality Engineering, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
In this article, we review and reexamine approaches to modeling computer experiments with
qualitative and quantitative input variables. For those not familiar with models for computer …
qualitative and quantitative input variables. For those not familiar with models for computer …
A simple approach to emulation for computer models with qualitative and quantitative factors
Q Zhou, PZG Qian, S Zhou - Technometrics, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
We propose a flexible yet computationally efficient approach for building Gaussian process
models for computer experiments with both qualitative and quantitative factors. This …
models for computer experiments with both qualitative and quantitative factors. This …
Sequential design and analysis of high-accuracy and low-accuracy computer codes
S **ong, PZG Qian, CFJ Wu - Technometrics, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
A growing trend in engineering and science is to use multiple computer codes with different
levels of accuracy to study the same complex system. We propose a framework for …
levels of accuracy to study the same complex system. We propose a framework for …
Analyzing the climate sensitivity of the HadSM3 climate model using ensembles from different but related experiments
J Rougier, DMH Sexton, JM Murphy… - Journal of …, 2009 - journals.ametsoc.org
Global climate models (GCMs) contain imprecisely defined parameters that account,
approximately, for subgrid-scale physical processes. The response of a GCM to …
approximately, for subgrid-scale physical processes. The response of a GCM to …
Group kernels for Gaussian process metamodels with categorical inputs
Gaussian processes (GPs) are widely used as a metamodel for emulating time-consuming
computer codes. We focus on problems involving categorical inputs, with a potentially large …
computer codes. We focus on problems involving categorical inputs, with a potentially large …
Additive Gaussian process for computer models with qualitative and quantitative factors
Computer experiments with qualitative and quantitative factors occur frequently in various
applications in science and engineering. Analysis of such experiments is not yet completely …
applications in science and engineering. Analysis of such experiments is not yet completely …