Counterexample for timed probabilistic reachability in uniform CTMDP
J Zhang, Z Huang, Z Cao, F **ao - 2008 International Seminar …, 2008 -
A uniform continuous-time Markov decision process (CTMDP) is a CTMDP where the exit
rate from every state is the same for all states. This paper solves the problem of generating …
rate from every state is the same for all states. This paper solves the problem of generating …
[PDF][PDF] A Multilevel Control Iterative Method for Nonlinear Partial Different Equations
X Deng, H Gao - Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 2013 - Citeseer
The multilevel iterative method consists of the iterative systems associated with different
levels, the solution in coarse level is in essence used as the initial guess of the iterative …
levels, the solution in coarse level is in essence used as the initial guess of the iterative …
The Determination of Optimal Suppliers for the Chain Restaurant Industry by Integrating a Modified LVQ Algorithm and the Gray Multi-attribute Decision
ST Wang, MH Li, CY Lin - 2012 International Symposium on …, 2012 -
Using an intelligent supplier selection support structure to determine optimal suppliers, as
based on the future development strategies of a company, is very important to the members …
based on the future development strategies of a company, is very important to the members …