A survey on wearable sensor modality centred human activity recognition in health care
Increased life expectancy coupled with declining birth rates is leading to an aging
population structure. Aging-caused changes, such as physical or cognitive decline, could …
population structure. Aging-caused changes, such as physical or cognitive decline, could …
A review of machine learning-based human activity recognition for diverse applications
Human activity recognition (HAR) is a very active yet challenging and demanding area of
computer science. Due to the articulated nature of human motion, it is not trivial to detect …
computer science. Due to the articulated nature of human motion, it is not trivial to detect …
Toward human activity recognition: a survey
Human activity recognition (HAR) is a complex and multifaceted problem. The research
community has reported numerous approaches to perform HAR. Along with HAR …
community has reported numerous approaches to perform HAR. Along with HAR …
Vision-based human activity recognition: a survey
Human activity recognition (HAR) systems attempt to automatically identify and analyze
human activities using acquired information from various types of sensors. Although several …
human activities using acquired information from various types of sensors. Although several …
InnoHAR: A deep neural network for complex human activity recognition
Human activity recognition (HAR) based on sensor networks is an important research
direction in the fields of pervasive computing and body area network. Existing researches …
direction in the fields of pervasive computing and body area network. Existing researches …
Abnormal behavior recognition for intelligent video surveillance systems: A review
AB Mabrouk, E Zagrouba - Expert Systems with Applications, 2018 - Elsevier
With the increasing number of surveillance cameras in both indoor and outdoor locations,
there is a grown demand for an intelligent system that detects abnormal events. Although …
there is a grown demand for an intelligent system that detects abnormal events. Although …
Machine and deep learning for sport-specific movement recognition: A systematic review of model development and performance
Objective assessment of an athlete's performance is of importance in elite sports to facilitate
detailed analysis. The implementation of automated detection and recognition of sport …
detailed analysis. The implementation of automated detection and recognition of sport …
Sensing technology for human activity recognition: A comprehensive survey
Sensors are devices that quantify the physical aspects of the world around us. This ability is
important to gain knowledge about human activities. Human Activity recognition plays an …
important to gain knowledge about human activities. Human Activity recognition plays an …
From action to activity: sensor-based activity recognition
As compared to actions, activities are much more complex, but semantically they are more
representative of a human׳ s real life. Techniques for action recognition from sensor …
representative of a human׳ s real life. Techniques for action recognition from sensor …
Human action recognition using two-stream attention based LSTM networks
It is well known that different frames play different roles in feature learning in video based
human action recognition task. However, most existing deep learning models put the same …
human action recognition task. However, most existing deep learning models put the same …