Particle-based high-temperature thermochemical energy storage reactors
Solar and other renewable energy driven gas-solid thermochemical energy storage (TCES)
technology is a promising solution for the next generation energy storage systems due to its …
technology is a promising solution for the next generation energy storage systems due to its …
A review of solar thermochemical cycles for fuel production
Abstract Solar-driven CO 2/H 2 O splitting via a two-step solar thermochemical cycle is a
promising approach for fuel production and carbon neutrality to address the intermittent …
promising approach for fuel production and carbon neutrality to address the intermittent …
Critical review of thermochemical energy storage systems based on cobalt, manganese, and copper oxides
X Han, L Wang, H Ling, Z Ge, X Lin, X Dai… - … and sustainable energy …, 2022 - Elsevier
Thermochemical energy storage (TCES) has the advantages of high energy storage density
and theoretically unlimited storage period and is a promising technology to achieve …
and theoretically unlimited storage period and is a promising technology to achieve …
A review on high‐temperature thermochemical heat storage: particle reactors and materials based on solid–gas reactions
In order to produce electricity beyond insolation hours and supply to the electrical grid,
thermal energy storage (TES) system plays a major role in CSP (concentrated solar power) …
thermal energy storage (TES) system plays a major role in CSP (concentrated solar power) …
Experimental demonstration of high-temperature (> 1000° C) heat extraction from a moving-bed oxidation reactor for thermochemical energy storage
Previously developed reduction-oxidation (redox) thermochemical energy storage
technologies must store their products at high temperatures, complicating handling and …
technologies must store their products at high temperatures, complicating handling and …
Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of solar methane dry reforming enhanced by chemical hydrogen separation
Thermodynamically limited reactions in membrane reactors for hydrogen generation require
a high hydrogen concentration gradient for separation, which imposes an energy …
a high hydrogen concentration gradient for separation, which imposes an energy …
Zero carbon solid-state rechargeable redox fuel for long duration and seasonal storage
This work presents a unique thermochemical process for charging magnesium-manganese-
oxide-based solid-state rechargeable redox fuel. High-temperature heating of the …
oxide-based solid-state rechargeable redox fuel. High-temperature heating of the …
A state-of-the-art review on materials production and processing using solar energy
Solar energy is a renewable energy source that is mainly used in the production of
electricity. However, research is nowadays conducted to investigate solar energy use …
electricity. However, research is nowadays conducted to investigate solar energy use …
Efficient conversion of solar energy through a macroporous ceramic receiver coupling heat transfer and thermochemical reactions
The receiver/reactor engineering and radiative power distribution technology are still
challenging the development and rapid upscaling of solar thermal conversion and storage …
challenging the development and rapid upscaling of solar thermal conversion and storage …
Hydrodynamics and mass transfer of concentric-tube internal loop airlift reactors: A review
The concentric-tube internal loop airlift reactor is a typical reactor configuration which has
been adopted for a myriad of chemical and biological processes. The reactor …
been adopted for a myriad of chemical and biological processes. The reactor …