Computational analysis of smart magneto-electro-elastic materials and structures: review and classification

M Vinyas - Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2021 - Springer
Abstract Magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) materials have been receiving a special attention
from the research community owing to their specialized performance and coupled behavior …

Understanding and designing magnetoelectric heterostructures guided by computation: progresses, remaining questions, and perspectives

JM Hu, CG Duan, CW Nan, LQ Chen - NPJ Computational Materials, 2017 -
Magnetoelectric composites and heterostructures integrate magnetic and dielectric materials
to produce new functionalities, eg, magnetoelectric responses that are absent in each of the …

Exact solution for simply supported and multilayered magneto-electro-elastic plates

E Pan - J. Appl. Mech., 2001 -
Exact solutions are derived for three-dimensional, anisotropic, linearly magneto-electro-
elastic, simply-supported, and multilayered rectangular plates under static loadings. While …

Size dependent coupled electromechanical torsional analysis of porous FG flexoelectric micro/nanotubes

YT Beni - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022 - Elsevier
In this paper, the governing equations of torsional porous flexoelectric microtubes made of
functionally graded (FG) materials are investigated and obtained for the first time. First, the …

Exact solution for functionally graded and layered magneto-electro-elastic plates

E Pan, F Han - International Journal of Engineering Science, 2005 - Elsevier
In this paper, an exact solution is presented for the multilayered rectangular plate made of
functionally graded, anisotropic, and linear magneto-electro-elastic materials. While the …

Micromechanical analysis of fully coupled electro-magneto-thermo-elasticmultiphase composites

J Aboudi - Smart materials and structures, 2001 -
A homogenization micromechanical method is employed for the prediction of the effective
moduli of electro-magneto-thermo-elastic composites. These include the effective elastic …

Buckling and free vibration of magnetoelectroelastic nanoplate based on nonlocal theory

YS Li, ZY Cai, SY Shi - Composite Structures, 2014 - Elsevier
Buckling and free vibration of magnetoelectroelastic nanoplate resting on Pasternak
foundation is investigated based on nonlocal Mindlin theory. The in-plane electric and …

Size dependent torsional electro-mechanical analysis of flexoelectric micro/nanotubes

YT Beni - European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2022 - Elsevier
The free vibration and static torsion of a coupling electromechanical flexoelectric
micro/nanotube have been investigated, in the present study. Using the non-classical theory …

Effective properties of three-phase electro-magneto-elastic composites

J Lee, JG Boyd IV, DC Lagoudas - International Journal of Engineering …, 2005 - Elsevier
Coupling between the electric field, magnetic field, and strain of composite materials is
achieved when electro-elastic (piezoelectric) and magneto-elastic (piezomagnetic) particles …

Accurate buckling analysis of magneto-electro-elastic cylindrical shells subject to hygro-thermal environments

Y Ni, J Sun, J Zhang, Z Tong, Z Zhou, X Xu - Applied Mathematical …, 2023 - Elsevier
An accurate buckling model for the magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) composite cylindrical
shell under hygro-thermo-magneto-electro-elastic (HTMEE) loads is proposed by …