Liquid-crystal photonic applications
Liquid crystals are nowadays widely used in all types of display applications. However their
unique electro-optic properties also make them a suitable material for nondisplay …
unique electro-optic properties also make them a suitable material for nondisplay …
We review the recent developments of spatial optical solitons in nematic liquid crystals, also
known as Nematicons. We outline their properties, linked to a reorientational nonlinearity in …
known as Nematicons. We outline their properties, linked to a reorientational nonlinearity in …
Modulational instability, solitons and beam propagation in spatially nonlocal nonlinearmedia
We present an overview of recent advances in the understanding of optical beams in
nonlinear media with a spatially nonlocal nonlinear response. We discuss the impact of …
nonlinear media with a spatially nonlocal nonlinear response. We discuss the impact of …
Routing of anisotropic spatial solitons and modulational instability in liquid crystals
In certain materials, the spontaneous spreading of a laser beam (owing to diffraction) can be
compensated for by the interplay of optical intensity and material nonlinearity. The resulting …
compensated for by the interplay of optical intensity and material nonlinearity. The resulting …
Modulational instability in nonlinear saturable media with competing nonlocal nonlinearity
The modulational instability (MI) phenomenon is addressed in a nonlocal medium under
controllable saturation. The linear stability analysis of a plane-wave solution is used to …
controllable saturation. The linear stability analysis of a plane-wave solution is used to …
Walk-off-induced modulation instability, temporal pattern formation, and frequency comb generation in cavity-enhanced second-harmonic generation
We derive a time-domain mean-field equation to model the full temporal and spectral
dynamics of light in singly resonant cavity-enhanced second-harmonic generation systems …
dynamics of light in singly resonant cavity-enhanced second-harmonic generation systems …
The term nematicon was coined to denote the material, nematic liquid crystals (NLC),
supporting the existence of optical spatial solitons via a molecular response to light, a …
supporting the existence of optical spatial solitons via a molecular response to light, a …
Modulation instability in nonlinear media with sine-oscillatory nonlocal response function and pure quartic diffraction
Y Yang, M Shen - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
Modulation instability of one-dimensional plane wave is demonstrated in nonlinear Kerr
media with sine-oscillatory nonlocal response function and pure quartic diffraction. The …
media with sine-oscillatory nonlocal response function and pure quartic diffraction. The …
Interplay between nonlocality and nonlinearity in nematic liquid crystals
Interplay between nonlocality and nonlinearity in nematic liquid crystals clickable element to
expand a topic LOGIN OR CREATE ACCOUNT PRISM SUBMISSION This website uses …
expand a topic LOGIN OR CREATE ACCOUNT PRISM SUBMISSION This website uses …
One-dimensional optical wave turbulence: experiment and theory
We present a review of the latest developments in one-dimensional (1D) optical wave
turbulence (OWT). Based on an original experimental setup that allows for the …
turbulence (OWT). Based on an original experimental setup that allows for the …