Food-borne parasitic zoonoses in India: Review of recent reports of human infections
MB Chhabra, LD Singla - Journal of Veterinary parasitology, 2009 -
For many protozoan and helminth parasites, the environmental routes of transmission,
involving food, soil and water are particularly significant. Their capacity to produce large …
involving food, soil and water are particularly significant. Their capacity to produce large …
Larva migrans in India: veterinary and public health perspectives
Despite an important public health problem in develo** world like India, larva migrans
remains a neglected zoonosis. Cutaneous larva migrans, Visceral larva migrans, and Ocular …
remains a neglected zoonosis. Cutaneous larva migrans, Visceral larva migrans, and Ocular …
Ocular parasitoses and their immunology
S Laxmanappa Hoti, V Tandon - Ocular immunology and …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Parasitic infections of the eye are a major cause of ocular diseases in many parts of the
globe. The causative agents of ocular parasitoses include several species of unicellular …
globe. The causative agents of ocular parasitoses include several species of unicellular …
[PDF][PDF] Seroprevalence of toxocariasis in children in Kashmir, J&K State, India
ZA Dar, S Tanveer, GN Yattoo, BA Sofi, SA Wani… - 2008 -
Background: Toxocariasis is a zoonotic disease caused by the ascarid of dogs and cats, the
main representative of which is a Toxocara canis. Distribution of the disease is world wide …
main representative of which is a Toxocara canis. Distribution of the disease is world wide …
Parasitic diseases
JS Weese, AS Peregrine, MEC Anderson… - Companion animal …, 2011 -
Companion animals can harbor a wide range of parasites, some of which are transmissible
to humans. The overall burden of human diseases attributable to companion animal …
to humans. The overall burden of human diseases attributable to companion animal …
Ocorrência de endoparasitas em amostras de fezes de cães (Canis familiaris) da região metropolitana de Curitiba, Paraná–Brasil
LC Leite, SM Círio, MA Navarro-Silva… - Estudos de …, 2007 -
Amostras de fezes de 387 cães sem distinção de faixa etária, sexo ou raça e oriundos de
diferentes locais da região metropolitana de Curitiba, PR, foram coletadas para diagnóstico …
diferentes locais da região metropolitana de Curitiba, PR, foram coletadas para diagnóstico …
Ocular parasitic infections-An overview
N Malla, K Goyal - Advances in Common Eye Infections, 2016 -
Eyes are said to be the windows of body, by which this beautiful world is visualized. Human
eye has a unique structure and is vulnerable to numerous infections. Whenever anatomical …
eye has a unique structure and is vulnerable to numerous infections. Whenever anatomical …
Zoonoses parasitárias oriundas de fezes de cães no Brasil
TB Borges, M Coltro, AG Rocha, RF DAVILA… - Ciência …, 2022 -
O crescente número de animais de companhia, principalmente nos grandes centros, tem
estreitado o contato entre esses e o homem, aumentando a exposição humana a agentes …
estreitado o contato entre esses e o homem, aumentando a exposição humana a agentes …
[HTML][HTML] Acute endophthalmitis and hyphema mimicking pink hypopyon associated with ocular toxocariasis: A case report
T Wakabayashi, R Kamuro, N Hashida… - American Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Purpose To report a case of acute endophthalmitis and hyphema mimicking pink hypopyon
associated with ocular toxocariasis. Observations An immunocompetent 56-year-old woman …
associated with ocular toxocariasis. Observations An immunocompetent 56-year-old woman …
Systematic review and meta-analysis on the risk potential of zoonotic toxocariasis from soil contamination of public places in India
Parasitic zoonoses despite of their potential threats to human health remain neglected
especially in develo** countries. Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati worms are considered …
especially in develo** countries. Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati worms are considered …