Food-borne parasitic zoonoses in India: Review of recent reports of human infections

MB Chhabra, LD Singla - Journal of Veterinary parasitology, 2009 -
For many protozoan and helminth parasites, the environmental routes of transmission,
involving food, soil and water are particularly significant. Their capacity to produce large …

Larva migrans in India: veterinary and public health perspectives

R Sharma, BB Singh, JPS Gill - Journal of Parasitic Diseases, 2015 - Springer
Despite an important public health problem in develo** world like India, larva migrans
remains a neglected zoonosis. Cutaneous larva migrans, Visceral larva migrans, and Ocular …

Ocular parasitoses and their immunology

S Laxmanappa Hoti, V Tandon - Ocular immunology and …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Parasitic infections of the eye are a major cause of ocular diseases in many parts of the
globe. The causative agents of ocular parasitoses include several species of unicellular …

[PDF][PDF] Seroprevalence of toxocariasis in children in Kashmir, J&K State, India

ZA Dar, S Tanveer, GN Yattoo, BA Sofi, SA Wani… - 2008 -
Background: Toxocariasis is a zoonotic disease caused by the ascarid of dogs and cats, the
main representative of which is a Toxocara canis. Distribution of the disease is world wide …

Parasitic diseases

JS Weese, AS Peregrine, MEC Anderson… - Companion animal …, 2011 -
Companion animals can harbor a wide range of parasites, some of which are transmissible
to humans. The overall burden of human diseases attributable to companion animal …

Ocorrência de endoparasitas em amostras de fezes de cães (Canis familiaris) da região metropolitana de Curitiba, Paraná–Brasil

LC Leite, SM Círio, MA Navarro-Silva… - Estudos de …, 2007 -
Amostras de fezes de 387 cães sem distinção de faixa etária, sexo ou raça e oriundos de
diferentes locais da região metropolitana de Curitiba, PR, foram coletadas para diagnóstico …

Ocular parasitic infections-An overview

N Malla, K Goyal - Advances in Common Eye Infections, 2016 -
Eyes are said to be the windows of body, by which this beautiful world is visualized. Human
eye has a unique structure and is vulnerable to numerous infections. Whenever anatomical …

Zoonoses parasitárias oriundas de fezes de cães no Brasil

TB Borges, M Coltro, AG Rocha, RF DAVILA… - Ciência …, 2022 -
O crescente número de animais de companhia, principalmente nos grandes centros, tem
estreitado o contato entre esses e o homem, aumentando a exposição humana a agentes …

[HTML][HTML] Acute endophthalmitis and hyphema mimicking pink hypopyon associated with ocular toxocariasis: A case report

T Wakabayashi, R Kamuro, N Hashida… - American Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Purpose To report a case of acute endophthalmitis and hyphema mimicking pink hypopyon
associated with ocular toxocariasis. Observations An immunocompetent 56-year-old woman …

Systematic review and meta-analysis on the risk potential of zoonotic toxocariasis from soil contamination of public places in India

GN Bhangale, BW Narladkar, RS Tayde - Veterinary Parasitology: Regional …, 2021 - Elsevier
Parasitic zoonoses despite of their potential threats to human health remain neglected
especially in develo** countries. Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati worms are considered …