Bounding global aerosol radiative forcing of climate change
Aerosols interact with radiation and clouds. Substantial progress made over the past 40
years in observing, understanding, and modeling these processes helped quantify the …
years in observing, understanding, and modeling these processes helped quantify the …
Mixed-phase clouds: Progress and challenges
Mixed-phase clouds represent a three-phase colloidal system consisting of water vapor, ice
particles, and coexisting supercooled liquid droplets. Mixed-phase clouds are ubiquitous in …
particles, and coexisting supercooled liquid droplets. Mixed-phase clouds are ubiquitous in …
An underestimated negative cloud feedback from cloud lifetime changes
As the atmosphere warms, part of the cloud population shifts from ice and mixed-phase
('cold') to liquid ('warm') clouds. Because warm clouds are more reflective and longer-lived …
('cold') to liquid ('warm') clouds. Because warm clouds are more reflective and longer-lived …
Implementation of a double moment cloud microphysics scheme in the UK met office regional numerical weather prediction model
Cloud microphysics parametrizations control the transfer of water between phases and
hydrometeor species in numerical weather prediction and climate models. As a fundamental …
hydrometeor species in numerical weather prediction and climate models. As a fundamental …
The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission's scientific achievements and societal contributions: Reviewing four years of advanced rain and snow …
Precipitation represents a life‐critical energy and hydrologic exchange between the Earth's
atmosphere and its surface. As such, knowledge of where, when and how much rain and …
atmosphere and its surface. As such, knowledge of where, when and how much rain and …
Private retrieval, computing, and learning: Recent progress and future challenges
Most of our lives are conducted in the cyberspace. The human notion of privacy translates
into a cyber notion of privacy on many functions that take place in the cyberspace. This …
into a cyber notion of privacy on many functions that take place in the cyberspace. This …
Satellite Estimation of Falling Snow: A Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory Perspective
Retrievals of falling snow from space-based observations represent key inputs for
understanding and linking Earth's atmospheric, hydrological, and energy cycles. This work …
understanding and linking Earth's atmospheric, hydrological, and energy cycles. This work …
[HTML][HTML] Secondary ice production processes in wintertime alpine mixed-phase clouds
Observations of orographic mixed-phase clouds (MPCs) have long shown that measured ice
crystal number concentrations (ICNCs) can exceed the concentration of ice nucleating …
crystal number concentrations (ICNCs) can exceed the concentration of ice nucleating …
[HTML][HTML] Ice microphysical processes in the dendritic growth layer: a statistical analysis combining multi-frequency and polarimetric Doppler cloud radar observations
The dendritic growth layer (DGL), defined as the temperature region between− 20 and− 10∘
C, plays an important role for ice depositional growth, aggregation and potentially secondary …
C, plays an important role for ice depositional growth, aggregation and potentially secondary …
Retrievals of riming and snow density from vertically pointing Doppler radars
Retrievals of ice and snow are made from Ka‐and W‐band zenith‐pointing Doppler radars
at Hyytiälä, Finland, during the snow experiment component of the Biogenic Aerosols …
at Hyytiälä, Finland, during the snow experiment component of the Biogenic Aerosols …