[HTML][HTML] Optimizing IC engine efficiency: A comprehensive review on biodiesel, nanofluid, and the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning
Transportation and power generation have historically relied upon Internal Combustion
Engines (ICEs). However, because of environmental impact and inefficiency, considerable …
Engines (ICEs). However, because of environmental impact and inefficiency, considerable …
Recent advances on the fundamental physical phenomena behind stability, dynamic motion, thermophysical properties, heat transport, applications, and challenges of …
In the past decade, nanotechnology's rapid developments have created quite a lot of
prospects for researchers and engineers to check up on. And nanofluids are important …
prospects for researchers and engineers to check up on. And nanofluids are important …
Application of graphene in energy storage device–A review
Most applications in energy storage devices revolve around the application of graphene.
Graphene is capable of enhancing the performance, functionality as well as durability of …
Graphene is capable of enhancing the performance, functionality as well as durability of …
Recent advances on improved optical, thermal, and radiative characteristics of plasmonic nanofluids: Academic insights and perspectives
To enhance the assimilation of light in the solar thermal area, we need to focus beyond the
thermo-physical properties of the nanoparticles, ie, optical properties of the nanoparticles …
thermo-physical properties of the nanoparticles, ie, optical properties of the nanoparticles …
An updated review of nanofluids in various heat transfer devices
The field of nanofluids has received interesting attention since the concept of dispersing
nanoscaled particles into a fluid was first introduced in the later part of the twentieth century …
nanoscaled particles into a fluid was first introduced in the later part of the twentieth century …
[HTML][HTML] The promise of nanofluids: A bibliometric journey through advanced heat transfer fluids in heat exchanger tubes
Thermal management is a critical challenge in advanced systems such as electric vehicles
(EVs), electronic components, and photoelectric modules. Thermal alleviation is carried out …
(EVs), electronic components, and photoelectric modules. Thermal alleviation is carried out …
Energy, exergy, economic and environmental (4E) analysis of a parabolic trough solar collector using MXene based silicone oil nanofluids
A bstract The present study is a 4E (Energy, Exergy, Economic, and Environmental) analysis
of a nanofluid-based parabolic trough collector (PTC) which is conducted with a developed …
of a nanofluid-based parabolic trough collector (PTC) which is conducted with a developed …
Synthesis, stability, density, viscosity of ethylene glycol-based ternary hybrid nanofluids: Experimental investigations and model-prediction using modern machine …
A direct sol-gel technique was utilized to produce rGO-Fe 3 O 4-TiO 2 ternary hybrid
nanocomposites to produce ethylene glycol (EG) based stable nanofluids, characterized by …
nanocomposites to produce ethylene glycol (EG) based stable nanofluids, characterized by …
Recent advances on nanofluids for low to medium temperature solar collectors: energy, exergy, economic analysis and environmental impact
The efficient exploitation of solar irradiation is one of the most encouraging ways of handling
numerous environmental concerns. Solar collectors are suitable devices that capture solar …
numerous environmental concerns. Solar collectors are suitable devices that capture solar …
Microchannel heat sinks with nanofluids for cooling electronic components: Performance enhancement, challenges, and limitations
Nowadays, the cooling of electronic components that are widely spread globally is
considered a critical issue. Designers and engineers alike confront major obstacles in …
considered a critical issue. Designers and engineers alike confront major obstacles in …