[HTML][HTML] Multi-model approach to integrate climate change impact on carbon sequestration potential of afforestation scenarios in Quebec, Canada
Afforestation of unproductive or currently non-forested territories can increase carbon land
sinks and thus contribute to mitigate climate change. However, investments on large-scale …
sinks and thus contribute to mitigate climate change. However, investments on large-scale …
Aiming at a moving target: economic evaluation of adaptation strategies under the uncertainty of climate change and CO2 fertilization of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) …
Key message Drought severely worsened till 2100 and eventually outplayed growth-
enhancing CO2 fertilization turning productivity gains into losses for beech and fir. Most …
enhancing CO2 fertilization turning productivity gains into losses for beech and fir. Most …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of the German timber footprint on potential species loss in supply regions
V Egenolf, J Schüngel, S Bringezu… - Science of The Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
Previous own assessments have shown that a) Germany has a wood consumption above
global average, b) is strongly dependent on imports and c) has a domestic roundwood …
global average, b) is strongly dependent on imports and c) has a domestic roundwood …
Dynamic height growth models for highly productive pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) stands: explicit map** of site index classification in Serbia
Key message We applied the generalized algebraic difference approach (GADA) to develop
dynamic models of height growth for pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in Serbia …
dynamic models of height growth for pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in Serbia …
[PDF][PDF] Évaluation du potentiel d'atténuation des changements climatiques à la suite du boisement et du reboisement de territoires improductifs
I Ménard - 2022 - researchgate.net
Résumé L'augmentation des superficies forestières permet d'atténuer les changements
climatiques en augmentant les puits de carbone en forêt et en assurant un apport soutenu …
climatiques en augmentant les puits de carbone en forêt et en assurant un apport soutenu …
[HTML][HTML] How has the forest-based carbon sink and stock evolved in the European Union?
HM EFI - efi.int
Contrary to the still ongoing deforestation at global level (FAO, 2020), forest area and
growing stock in the EU 27 (EU in the following) have expanded continuously since the …
growing stock in the EU 27 (EU in the following) have expanded continuously since the …
[PDF][PDF] Sustainable Production and Consumption
V Egenolf, M Distelkamp, C Morland, M Beck-O'Brien… - 2022 - researchgate.net
Assessments of the past development of the German timber footprint of consumption have
shown that a) the security of supply of roundwood from own territory was guaranteed in the …
shown that a) the security of supply of roundwood from own territory was guaranteed in the …