Root of the tree: the significance, evolution, and origins of the ribosome
The ribosome is an ancient molecular fossil that provides a telescope to the origins of life.
Made from RNA and protein, the ribosome translates mRNA to coded protein in all living …
Made from RNA and protein, the ribosome translates mRNA to coded protein in all living …
[HTML][HTML] The nucleolus under stress
S Boulon, BJ Westman, S Hutten, FM Boisvert… - Molecular cell, 2010 - cell.com
Cells typically respond quickly to stress, altering their metabolism to compensate. In
mammalian cells, stress signaling usually leads to either cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis …
mammalian cells, stress signaling usually leads to either cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis …
Intrinsic retroviral reactivation in human preimplantation embryos and pluripotent cells
Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are remnants of ancient retroviral infections, and comprise
nearly 8% of the human genome. The most recently acquired human ERV is HERVK (HML …
nearly 8% of the human genome. The most recently acquired human ERV is HERVK (HML …
MYC as a regulator of ribosome biogenesis and protein synthesis
J Van Riggelen, A Yetil, DW Felsher - Nature Reviews Cancer, 2010 - nature.com
MYC regulates the transcription of thousands of genes required to coordinate a range of
cellular processes, including those essential for proliferation, growth, differentiation …
cellular processes, including those essential for proliferation, growth, differentiation …
Activation of mTORC2 by association with the ribosome
V Zinzalla, D Stracka, W Oppliger, MN Hall - Cell, 2011 - cell.com
The target of rapamycin (TOR) is a highly conserved protein kinase and a central controller
of growth. Mammalian TOR complex 2 (mTORC2) regulates AGC kinase family members …
of growth. Mammalian TOR complex 2 (mTORC2) regulates AGC kinase family members …
High-Resolution Profiling of a Synchronized Diurnal Transcriptome from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Reveals Continuous Cell and Metabolic Differentiation
The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a useful model organism for investigating
diverse biological processes, such as photosynthesis and chloroplast biogenesis, flagella …
diverse biological processes, such as photosynthesis and chloroplast biogenesis, flagella …
How common are extraribosomal functions of ribosomal proteins?
JR Warner, KB McIntosh - Molecular cell, 2009 - cell.com
Ribosomal proteins are ubiquitous, abundant, and RNA binding: prime candidates for
recruitment to extraribosomal functions. Indeed, they participate in balancing the synthesis of …
recruitment to extraribosomal functions. Indeed, they participate in balancing the synthesis of …
Tumor‐adjacent tissue co‐expression profile analysis reveals pro‐oncogenic ribosomal gene signature for prognosis of resectable hepatocellular carcinoma
Currently, molecular markers are not used when determining the prognosis and treatment
strategy for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In the present study, we proposed …
strategy for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In the present study, we proposed …
Ribosome biogenesis: emerging evidence for a central role in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass
The ribosome is a supramolecular ribonucleoprotein complex that functions at the heart of
the translation machinery to convert mRNA into protein. Ribosome biogenesis is the primary …
the translation machinery to convert mRNA into protein. Ribosome biogenesis is the primary …
Role of ribosomal protein mutations in tumor development
KM Goudarzi, MS LINDSTRöM - … journal of oncology, 2016 - spandidos-publications.com
Ribosomes are cellular machines essential for protein synthesis. The biogenesis of
ribosomes is a highly complex and energy consuming process that initiates in the nucleolus …
ribosomes is a highly complex and energy consuming process that initiates in the nucleolus …