Tools for quantum simulation with ultracold atoms in optical lattices
After many years of development of the basic tools, quantum simulation with ultracold atoms
has now reached the level of maturity at which it can be used to investigate complex …
has now reached the level of maturity at which it can be used to investigate complex …
Finite-temperature transport in one-dimensional quantum lattice models
Over the last decade impressive progress has been made in the theoretical understanding
of transport properties of clean, one-dimensional quantum lattice systems. Many physically …
of transport properties of clean, one-dimensional quantum lattice systems. Many physically …
Exploring the regime of fragmentation in strongly tilted Fermi-Hubbard chains
Intriguingly, quantum many-body systems may defy thermalization even without disorder.
One example is so-called fragmented models, where the many-body Hilbert space …
One example is so-called fragmented models, where the many-body Hilbert space …
Observing non-ergodicity due to kinetic constraints in tilted Fermi-Hubbard chains
The thermalization of isolated quantum many-body systems is deeply related to fundamental
questions of quantum information theory. While integrable or many-body localized systems …
questions of quantum information theory. While integrable or many-body localized systems …
Hydrodynamic diffusion in integrable systems
We show that hydrodynamic diffusion is generically present in many-body, one-dimensional
interacting quantum and classical integrable models. We extend the recently developed …
interacting quantum and classical integrable models. We extend the recently developed …
[HTML][HTML] Quantum simulation of the Hubbard model with ultracold fermions in optical lattices
Ultracold atomic gases provide a fantastic platform to implement quantum simulators and
investigate a variety of models initially introduced in condensed matter physics or other …
investigate a variety of models initially introduced in condensed matter physics or other …
Diffusion in generalized hydrodynamics and quasiparticle scattering
We extend beyond the Euler scales the hydrodynamic theory for quantum and classical
integrable models developed in recent years, accounting for diffusive dynamics and local …
integrable models developed in recent years, accounting for diffusive dynamics and local …
Superdiffusion in one-dimensional quantum lattice models
We identify a class of one-dimensional spin and fermionic lattice models that display
diverging spin and charge diffusion constants, including several paradigmatic models of …
diverging spin and charge diffusion constants, including several paradigmatic models of …
Subdiffusion and heat transport in a tilted two-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard system
Using quantum gas microscopy, we study the late-time effective hydrodynamics of an
isolated cold-atom Fermi-Hubbard system subject to an external linear potential (a “tilt”). The …
isolated cold-atom Fermi-Hubbard system subject to an external linear potential (a “tilt”). The …
Diffusive hydrodynamics from integrability breaking
We describe the crossover from generalized to conventional hydrodynamics in nearly
integrable systems. Integrable systems have infinitely many conserved quantities, which …
integrable systems. Integrable systems have infinitely many conserved quantities, which …