Browning of freshwaters: Consequences to ecosystem services, underlying drivers, and potential mitigation measures
Browning of surface waters, as a result of increasing dissolved organic carbon and iron
concentrations, is a widespread phenomenon with implications to the structure and function …
concentrations, is a widespread phenomenon with implications to the structure and function …
[HTML][HTML] Forest harvesting and hydrology in boreal Forests: Under an increased and cumulative disturbance context
Boreal forests cover about one-third of the global forested area and are under rapid
alteration due to increased natural and human-induced forest disturbance, which have …
alteration due to increased natural and human-induced forest disturbance, which have …
Consequences of rewetting and ditch cleaning on hydrology, water quality and greenhouse gas balance in a drained northern landscape
Drainage for forestry has created~ 1 million km of artificial waterways in Sweden, making it
one of the largest human-induced environmental disturbances in the country. These …
one of the largest human-induced environmental disturbances in the country. These …
Restoration of nutrient-rich forestry-drained peatlands poses a risk for high exports of dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus
Restoration impact of forestry-drained peatlands on runoff water quality and dissolved
organic carbon (DOC) and nutrient export was studied. Eight catchments were included …
organic carbon (DOC) and nutrient export was studied. Eight catchments were included …
Extending the SUSI peatland simulator to include dissolved organic carbon formation, transport and biodegradation-Proper water management reduces lateral carbon …
Drainage intensity and forest management in peatlands affect carbon dioxide (CO 2)
emissions to the atmosphere and export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to water …
emissions to the atmosphere and export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to water …
Impacts of forest harvesting on nutrient, sediment and dissolved organic carbon exports from drained peatlands: A literature review, synthesis and suggestions for the …
We reviewed the studies on the impacts of forest harvesting on nutrient, sediment, and
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) exports from drained peatlands with the aim to identify the …
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) exports from drained peatlands with the aim to identify the …
Changes in pore water quality after peatland restoration: Assessment of a large‐scale, replicated before‐after‐control‐impact study in Finland
Drainage is known to affect peatland natural hydrology and water quality, but peatland
restoration is considered to ameliorate peatland degradation. Using a replicated BACIPS …
restoration is considered to ameliorate peatland degradation. Using a replicated BACIPS …
Water quality management dilemma: Increased nutrient, carbon, and heavy metal exports from forestry-drained peatlands restored for use as wetland buffer areas
We restored small downstream sections of forestry-drained peatland catchments for use as
wetland buffer areas and studied the effects of their restoration on the exports of nitrogen …
wetland buffer areas and studied the effects of their restoration on the exports of nitrogen …
Measuring restoration progress using pore-and surface-water chemistry across a chronosequence of formerly afforested blanket bogs
During the restoration of degraded bogs and other peatlands, both habitat and functional
recovery can be closely linked with nutrient cycling, which is reflected in pore-and surface …
recovery can be closely linked with nutrient cycling, which is reflected in pore-and surface …
Restoration of afforested peatland: Effects on pore-and surface-water quality in relation to differing harvesting methods
The restoration of drained and afforested peatlands is carried out by removing trees and
blocking forestry drains to reinstate key ecosystem services such as peatland habitat …
blocking forestry drains to reinstate key ecosystem services such as peatland habitat …