Numerical solution of reservoir flow models based on large time step operator splitting algorithms: CIME lecture notes
MS Espedal, KH Karlsen - Filtration in Porous Media and Industrial …, 2007 - Springer
During recent years the authors and collaborators have been involved in an activity related
to the construction and analysis of large time step operator splitting algorithms for the …
to the construction and analysis of large time step operator splitting algorithms for the …
An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method for the advection-diffusion equation
Many numerical methods use characteristic analysis to accommodate the advective
component of transport. Such characteristic methods include Eulerian-Lagrangian methods …
component of transport. Such characteristic methods include Eulerian-Lagrangian methods …
Splitting methods for partial differential equations with rough solutions
The book has grown out of a concerted research effort over the last decade. We have
enjoyed collaboration with many good friends and colleagues on these problems, in …
enjoyed collaboration with many good friends and colleagues on these problems, in …
[HTML][HTML] A summary of numerical methods for time-dependent advection-dominated partial differential equations
RE Ewing, H Wang - Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2001 - Elsevier
We give a brief summary of numerical methods for time-dependent advection-dominated
partial differential equations (PDEs), including first-order hyperbolic PDEs and nonstationary …
partial differential equations (PDEs), including first-order hyperbolic PDEs and nonstationary …
A mass conservative numerical solution for two‐phase flow in porous media with application to unsaturated flow
A numerical algorithm for simulation of two‐phase flow in porous media is presented. The
algorithm is based on a modified Picard linearization of the governing equations of flow …
algorithm is based on a modified Picard linearization of the governing equations of flow …
Reservoir modeling for flow simulation by use of surfaces, adaptive unstructured meshes, and an overlap**-control-volume finite-element method
We present new approaches to reservoir modeling and flow simulation that dispose of the
pillar-grid concept that has persisted since reservoir simulation began. This results in …
pillar-grid concept that has persisted since reservoir simulation began. This results in …
An ELLAM scheme for advection-diffusion equations in two dimensions
We develop an Eulerian--Lagrangian localized adjoint method (ELLAM) to solve two-
dimensional advection-diffusion equations with all combinations of inflow and outflow …
dimensional advection-diffusion equations with all combinations of inflow and outflow …
Adaptive mesh refinement and multilevel iteration for flow in porous media
RD Hornung, JA Trangenstein - Journal of computational Physics, 1997 - Elsevier
An adaptive local mesh refinement algorithm originally developed for unsteady gas
dynamics by MJ Berger is extended to incompressible flow in porous media. Multilevel …
dynamics by MJ Berger is extended to incompressible flow in porous media. Multilevel …
Practical implementation of the fractional flow approach to multi-phase flow simulation
Fractional flow formulations of the multi-phase flow equations exhibit several attractive
attributes for numerical simulations. The governing equations are a saturation equation …
attributes for numerical simulations. The governing equations are a saturation equation …
A family of Eulerian–Lagrangian localized adjoint methods for multi-dimensional advection-reaction equations
We develop a family of Eulerian–Lagrangian localized adjoint methods for the solution of the
initial-boundary value problems for first-order advection-reaction equations on general multi …
initial-boundary value problems for first-order advection-reaction equations on general multi …