[HTML][HTML] Aplicação da Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida na análise de impactos ambientais de materiais de construção inovadores: estudo de caso da pegada de carbono …

ACB Passuello, AF Oliveira, EB Costa… - Ambiente …, 2014 - SciELO Brasil
O setor da construção civil é reconhecido como um grande consumidor de recursos, e
responsável por diversas emissões que causam impactos substanciais ao ambiente. Muitos …

[HTML][HTML] Valorization of Marble Waste Powder as a Replacement for Limestone in Clinker Production: Technical, Environmental and Economic Evaluation

L Batalha Vieira, V Francioso, B Bueno Mariani… - Sustainability, 2023 - mdpi.com
This research combines technical, environmental, and economic aspects regarding the
utilization of Bege Bahia marble waste (BB) in clinker production. Three different eco-friendly …

Evaluation of the influence of the pH of concrete pore solution on the corrosion resistance of steel reinforcement

VK Ortolan, M Mancio, BF Tutikian - Journal of building pathology and …, 2016 - Springer
Partial replacement of Portland cement by supplementary cementitious materials results in
decreased concentration of calcium hydroxide, leading to a reduction in the pH of the pore …

Marble and granite waste as mineral addition in mortars with different water-cement ratios

BS Almada, WJ Santos, SR Souza - Ambiente Construído, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
Civil construction is associated with several environmental impacts, such as CO2emissions
during cement production and waste generation. In this context, aiming to contribute to the …

[HTML][HTML] Efeito da incorporação de resíduo de TiO2 (MNR) na formação das fases mineralógicas de clínquer Portland

BB Mariani, JS Andrade, NS Amorim… - Ambiente Construído, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
O reaproveitamento de resíduos industriais para o setor da construção civil tem se mostrado
uma alternativa ambiental e economicamente atrativa, principalmente para a indústria do …

[HTML][HTML] Effects of TiO2 waste on the formation of clinker phases and mechanical performance and hydration of Portand cement

JSA Neto, BB Mariani, NSAJ Junior, DV Ribeiro - Cement, 2022 - Elsevier
The incorporation of different levels of UOW into Portland clinker raw meals and its effects on
the clinker and cement properties were evaluated. Clinkers were produced and …

Investigating ornamental stone waste as a green supplementary cementitious material in Portland cement mortars

ATB Torres, LG Silva, R Bosse, RS Ribeiro… - Matéria (Rio de …, 2024 - SciELO Brasil
The wet beneficiation process of ornamental stone generates waste in the form of sludge
that, after drying, becomes a non-biodegradable fine powder. Its improper disposal can lead …

[HTML][HTML] Síntese e caracterização das fases minerais C3S, C2S, C3A e C4AF para utilização em cimento tipo Portland

W Barbosa, KF Portella - Cerâmica, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
As principais fases contidas no cimento Portland são 3CaO. SiO2 (C3S), 2CaO. SiO2 (C2S),
3CaO. Al2O3 (C3A) e 4CaO. Al2O3. Fe2O3 (C4AF). No processo industrial estas …

[HTML][HTML] Performance of Portland clinker produced through the incorporation of asbestos cement wast (ACW)

TA Santos, MS Cilla, DV Ribeiro - Ambiente Construído, 2025 - SciELO Brasil
The production process of Portland cement has significant environmental impacts involving
the exploitation of deposits for raw materials and CO2 emissions. In this study, the …