Parameter estimation for predicting near-fault strong ground motion and its application to Lushan earthquake in China

P Dang, J Cui, Q Liu - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Stochastic finite-fault modelling based on the dynamic corner frequency is a widespread
method for synthesizing near-fault ground motions at high frequencies and has been proven …

Simulation of pulse-like ground motions with directionality effect for the 2001 Mw 7.6 Bhuj, India earthquake and sensitivity analysis of uncertain model input …

FM Wani, J Vemuri - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Ground motions exhibiting pulse-like (PL) features present a distinct and significant threat to
the structural integrity of constructed environments, due to intense pulse, large amplitude …

Stochastic finite-fault ground motion simulation for the Mw 6.7 earthquake in Lushan, China

P Dang, Q Liu - Natural Hazards, 2020‏ - Springer
Abstract The Ya'an, Sichuan M w 6.7 earthquake occurred on April 20, 2013. In this article,
the stochastic finite-fault method (EXSIM) based on dynamic corner frequency, proposed by …

Simulation of the Jiuzhaigou, China, earthquake by stochastic finite-fault method based on variable stress drop

P Dang, Q Liu, J Song - Natural Hazards, 2020‏ - Springer
An improved stochastic finite-fault method was used to simulate the M w 6.6 earthquake that
occurred on August 8, 2017, in Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China. A variation of the stochastic …

Kinematics of the 2012 Ahar–Varzaghan complex earthquake doublet (Mw6.5 and Mw6.3)

SM Momeni, A Aoudia, M Tatar… - Geophysical Journal …, 2019‏ -
On 2012 August 11, an earthquake doublet (M w6. 5 and M w6. 3), separated in time by 11
min, occur in the northwest of Iran. The hypocentres of these earthquakes are close (∼ 6 …

Ground motion simulations for the 19 January 2020 Jiashi, China, earthquake using stochastic finite‐fault approach

C Wang, P Dang, W Qi, Y Li, F Wang… - Earth and Space …, 2022‏ - Wiley Online Library
Abstract A 6.0‐magnitude (Mw) earthquake was reported to have occurred in Jiashi County,
**njiang at 21: 27 on 19 January 2020, Bei**g time (13: 27 UTC). This study applied a …

Regional spectral characteristics, quality factor and site responses in western-central Sichuan, China (II): Application to stochastic ground motion simulation

P Dang, H Yang, J Cui, J Song - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
The stochastic finite-fault approach was used to model the 2022 Luding earthquake with a
magnitude of Mw 6.6 in China at 16 selected near-field stations. To investigate the impact of …

Co-seismic stress transfer and magnitude-frequency distribution due to the 2012 Varzaqan-Ahar earthquake doublets (Mw 6.5 and 6.4), NW Iran

S Ansari - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2016‏ - Elsevier
The Coulomb stress changes imparted by the 2012 Varzaqan-Ahar earthquake doublets to
the surrounding area have been examined and correlated with the spatial distribution of the …

Mainshocks/aftershocks study of the August 2012 earthquake doublet on Ahar-Varzaghan complex fault system (NW Iran)

SM Momeni, M Tatar - Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2018‏ - Elsevier
Seismotectonic features of the Ahar-Varzaghan complex fault system are reviewed by the
mainshocks/aftershocks study of the 2012 Ahar-Varzaghan earthquake doublet (Mw= 6.5 & …

Analyses of seismicity parameters of the August 11th, 2012, Ahar-Varzaghan earthquakes in north-western Iran

S Ommi, H Zafarani - Scientia Iranica, 2016‏ -
North-western Iran (Azerbaijan province), one of the most seismic regions of the country, has
experienced many seismic events during its long history. The recent dual earthquake with …