Pengaruh pengembangan media ajar visual terhadap siswa sekolah dasar dalam memahami konsep matematika secara visual
NA Sabrina, LR Maharaja… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2023 - edu.pubmedia.id
The aim of this research is to determine the effect of develo** visual teaching media on
elementary school students in understanding mathematical concepts. The method used in …
elementary school students in understanding mathematical concepts. The method used in …
La alfabetización visual y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: un estudio del concepto de alfabetización en los documentos de la UNESCO
E Gregori Giralt, C Benítez Robles… - … , vol. 35, num. 3, p. 747 …, 2023 - diposit.ub.edu
[esp] El Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 4 propone una educación de calidad, pertinente,
efectiva e igualitaria que debe permitir a la persona intervenir en el mundo. Esta idea de …
efectiva e igualitaria que debe permitir a la persona intervenir en el mundo. Esta idea de …
The Power of Visuals:" The Significance of Higher Education Teacher Professional Development in Visual Literacy in Kuwait".
AJ Zayeb, AA Aleidan, NG Ali - World Journal of Education, 2024 - ERIC
This study explores the role of higher education professional development in the integration
of visual literacy instruction at the university level. Visual literacy is a crucial skill that …
of visual literacy instruction at the university level. Visual literacy is a crucial skill that …
Doing audio/visual/sensory ethnography with and on smartphones–a possible roadmap for an expanded ethnography
PSH Favero - International Review of Sociology, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This article explores the intersection between smartphones and audio-visual-sensory
ethnographies. The text opens with a brief introduction addressing the possible …
ethnographies. The text opens with a brief introduction addressing the possible …
Cell as Framework: Articulating interaction points through instinctive imaging practices
This work presents a critical design case that uses the metaphor of a cell in relation to its
designed environment. It then unpacks a photo-taking sequence using a site-specific …
designed environment. It then unpacks a photo-taking sequence using a site-specific …
La lectura e interpretación de fenómenos artísticos en el desarrollo de la alfabetización visual: un modelo para los estudios universitarios de arte
E Gregori Giralt, JL Menéndez Varela - Arte, Individuo y Sociedad …, 2022 - diposit.ub.edu
[spa] La proliferación de la imagen en la sociedad contemporánea ha puesto en evidencia
la necesidad de repensar qué significa ser una persona alfabetizada y de replantear el …
la necesidad de repensar qué significa ser una persona alfabetizada y de replantear el …
Representing and reframing migration
C Cambre, A Lehmuskallio - Imaginations: Journal of …, 2022 - journals.library.ualberta.ca
Millions of people find themselves displaced both internally and externally due to conflict,
extreme weather events, severe economic and political instability, or a combination of push …
extreme weather events, severe economic and political instability, or a combination of push …
For an “Expanded” Visual/Sensory Ethnography: Co-Living With Death in New Delhi 1
PSH Favero - Visual and Multimodal Urban Sociology, Part B, 2023 - emerald.com
The present chapter explores the topic of death in the context of contemporary New Delhi,
India. Building upon what I chose to call an 'expanded ethnography', it explores the multiple …
India. Building upon what I chose to call an 'expanded ethnography', it explores the multiple …
Using Visual Art Practices to Enhance Educators' Professional Growth
KF Tardrew - Visual Pedagogies in Higher Education: Between …, 2022 - brill.com
This chapter addresses the complexities of experienced teachers constructing new
understandings through visual narrative self-study projects. These visual projects included …
understandings through visual narrative self-study projects. These visual projects included …
Visual Pedagogies in Higher Education
J Kędra - 2023 - brill.com
In recent years, pictorial representations of various kinds have become the lingua franca of
daily interaction. The significant increase in visual modes of communication can be …
daily interaction. The significant increase in visual modes of communication can be …