Dynamic gesture recognition based on MEMP network

X Zhang, X Li - Future Internet, 2019 - mdpi.com
In recent years, gesture recognition has been used in many fields, such as games, robotics
and sign language recognition. Human computer interaction (HCI) has been significantly …

A Review Paper on Gait Analysis Using Soft Computing Techniques

Ritu, M Pandit, AK Bhoi - Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) …, 2024 - Springer
Applications of Artificial intelligence (AI) and soft computing techniques are rapidly growing
biomedical research fields. This review article summarizes the most recent advances in …

Hidden Markov models to estimate the probability of having autistic children

EA Carvalho, CP Santana, ID Rodrigues… - IEEE …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Genetic factors have been pointed out as the primary root associated with the risk of autism.
Recent works indicate that approximately 80% of autistic people have inherited the condition …

Computational model for identifying stereotyped behaviors and determining the activation level of pseudo-autistic

MYO Camada, JJF Cerqueira, AMN Lima - Applied Soft Computing, 2021 - Elsevier
Affective state recognition of an individual is based on the emotional cues, such as the
activation level. Body expression is a modal able to convey emotions and can be used for …

Review on anomalous gait behavior detection using machine learning algorithms

MAM Saleh, NM Tahir - Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2020 - beei.org
A review on anomalous behavior in crime by other researchers is discussed in this study that
focused specifically on the linkage between anomalous behaviors. Next, comprehensive …

Research Investigation and Analysis on Behavioral Analytics, Neuro Imaging, and Pervasive Sensory Algorithms and Techniques for Autism Diagnosis

R Sasikala, N Sureshkumar - Intelligent Systems for Healthcare …, 2019 - igi-global.com
Interdisciplinary research on autism diagnosis and training for the autistic children are
current requirements. Behavioral analytics are the techniques followed by pediatricians for …

Evaluation d'un système de détection surfacique 'Kinect V2'dans différentes applications médicales

S Nazir - 2018 - theses.hal.science
Une des innovations technologiques majeures de ces dernières années a été le lancement
des caméras de profondeur qui peuvent être utilisées dans un large spectre d'applications …

[CITARE][C] Sistema de detección automática de estereotipias en el trastorno del espectro autista

M Sánchez Renedo - 2020 - Universidad Nacional de Educación …