Similarities and differences between immersive virtual reality, real world, and computer screens: a systematic sco** review in human behavior studies
In the broader field of human behavior studies, there are several trade-offs for on-site
experiments. To be tied to a specific location can limit both the availability and diversity of …
experiments. To be tied to a specific location can limit both the availability and diversity of …
Immersive analytics with abstract 3D visualizations: A survey
After a long period of scepticism, more and more publications describe basic research but
also practical approaches to how abstract data can be presented in immersive environments …
also practical approaches to how abstract data can be presented in immersive environments …
A Systematic Literature Review of User Evaluation in Immersive Analytics
User evaluation is a common and useful tool for systematically generating knowledge and
validating novel approaches in the domain of Immersive Analytics. Since this research …
validating novel approaches in the domain of Immersive Analytics. Since this research …
A Survey on Cross‐Virtuality Analytics
Cross‐virtuality analytics (XVA) is a novel field of research within immersive analytics and
visual analytics. A broad range of heterogeneous devices across the reality–virtuality …
visual analytics. A broad range of heterogeneous devices across the reality–virtuality …
Evaluating an immersive space-time cube geovisualization for intuitive trajectory data exploration
A Space-Time Cube enables analysts to clearly observe spatio-temporal features in
movement trajectory datasets in geovisualization. However, its general usability is impacted …
movement trajectory datasets in geovisualization. However, its general usability is impacted …
Evaluating navigation and comparison performance of computational notebooks on desktop and in virtual reality
The computational notebook serves as a versatile tool for data analysis. However, its
conventional user interface falls short of kee** pace with the ever-growing data-related …
conventional user interface falls short of kee** pace with the ever-growing data-related …
Autovis: Enabling mixed-immersive analysis of automotive user interface interaction studies
Automotive user interface (AUI) evaluation becomes increasingly complex due to novel
interaction modalities, driving automation, heterogeneous data, and dynamic environmental …
interaction modalities, driving automation, heterogeneous data, and dynamic environmental …
Avatar: An immersive analysis environment for human motion data combining interactive 3d avatars and trajectories
Analysis of human motion data can reveal valuable insights about the utilization of space
and interaction of humans with their environment. To support this, we present AvatAR, an …
and interaction of humans with their environment. To support this, we present AvatAR, an …
Immersive analysis of user motion in VR applications
With the rise of virtual reality experiences for applications in entertainment, industry, science
and medicine, the evaluation of human motion in immersive environments is becoming more …
and medicine, the evaluation of human motion in immersive environments is becoming more …
The impact of immersion on cluster identification tasks
Recent developments in technology encourage the use of head-mounted displays (HMDs)
as a medium to explore visualizations in virtual realities (VRs). VR environments (VREs) …
as a medium to explore visualizations in virtual realities (VRs). VR environments (VREs) …