What have we learned about fear of happiness? A review of a decade of empirical research

M Joshanloo - Current Psychology, 2024‏ - Springer
Fear of happiness (FOH) refers to the subjective experience of negative affect (eg, fear,
anxiety, guilt, or discomfort) when experiencing or expressing happiness, which stems from …

Assessing relinquishment of positivity as a central symptom bridging anxiety and depression

C Calafiore, AC Collins, G Bartoszek… - Journal of Affective …, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Anxiety and depression are often comorbid and chronic disorders. Previous research
indicates that positivity relinquishment is a moderator of anxiety and depression, such that …

Avoiding positivity at a cost: Evidence of reward devaluation in the novel valence selection task.

M Urena, ES Winer, C Mills - Journal of Experimental Psychology …, 2025‏ - psycnet.apa.org
Reward devaluation theory (RDT) posits that some depressed individuals may not only be
biased toward negative material but also actively avoid positive material (ie, devaluing …

Anhedonia in flux: Understanding the associations of emotion regulation and anxiety with anhedonia dynamics in a sample with major depressive disorder

MR Gallagher, AC Collins, D Lekkas… - Journal of Affective …, 2025‏ - Elsevier
Negative rumination and emotion regulation difficulties have been consistently linked with
depression. Despite anhedonia—the lack of interest in pleasurable experiences—being a …

Psychometric properties of the Arabic Fear of Happiness Scale-5 items (FHS-5) in a non-clinical sample of Arabic-speaking adults

MA El Khoury, D Malaeb, F Sakr, M Dabbous… - 2024‏ - researchsquare.com
Background: Research suggests that some people believe excessive happiness can lead to
negative consequences, based on cultural beliefs and empirical evidence. The fear of …