What have we learned about fear of happiness? A review of a decade of empirical research
Fear of happiness (FOH) refers to the subjective experience of negative affect (eg, fear,
anxiety, guilt, or discomfort) when experiencing or expressing happiness, which stems from …
anxiety, guilt, or discomfort) when experiencing or expressing happiness, which stems from …
Assessing relinquishment of positivity as a central symptom bridging anxiety and depression
Anxiety and depression are often comorbid and chronic disorders. Previous research
indicates that positivity relinquishment is a moderator of anxiety and depression, such that …
indicates that positivity relinquishment is a moderator of anxiety and depression, such that …
Avoiding positivity at a cost: Evidence of reward devaluation in the novel valence selection task.
Reward devaluation theory (RDT) posits that some depressed individuals may not only be
biased toward negative material but also actively avoid positive material (ie, devaluing …
biased toward negative material but also actively avoid positive material (ie, devaluing …
Anhedonia in flux: Understanding the associations of emotion regulation and anxiety with anhedonia dynamics in a sample with major depressive disorder
Negative rumination and emotion regulation difficulties have been consistently linked with
depression. Despite anhedonia—the lack of interest in pleasurable experiences—being a …
depression. Despite anhedonia—the lack of interest in pleasurable experiences—being a …
Psychometric properties of the Arabic Fear of Happiness Scale-5 items (FHS-5) in a non-clinical sample of Arabic-speaking adults
Background: Research suggests that some people believe excessive happiness can lead to
negative consequences, based on cultural beliefs and empirical evidence. The fear of …
negative consequences, based on cultural beliefs and empirical evidence. The fear of …