The graph isomorphism problem

M Grohe, P Schweitzer - Communications of the ACM, 2020 -
The graph isomorphism problem Page 1 128 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM |
NOVEMBER 2020 | VOL. 63 | NO. 11 review articles IMA GE B Y NAD A V/SHUTTERS T …

[BOK][B] Spectra of graphs

AE Brouwer, WH Haemers - 2011 -
This book gives an elementary treatment of the basic material about graph spectra, both for
ordinary, and Laplace and Seidel spectra. The text progresses systematically, by covering …

Configuring random graph models with fixed degree sequences

BK Fosdick, DB Larremore, J Nishimura, J Ugander - Siam Review, 2018 - SIAM
Random graph null models have found widespread application in diverse research
communities analyzing network datasets, including social, information, and economic …

An optimal lower bound on the number of variables for graph identification

JY Cai, M Fürer, N Immerman - Combinatorica, 1992 - Springer
In this paper we show that Ω (n) variables are needed for first-order logic with counting to
identify graphs on n vertices. The k-variable language with counting is equivalent to the (k …

[BOK][B] Network analysis: methodological foundations

U Brandes - 2005 -
'Network'is a heavily overloaded term, so that 'network analysis' means different things to
different people. Specific forms of network analysis are used in the study of diverse …

Canonical labeling of graphs

L Babai, EM Luks - Proceedings of the fifteenth annual ACM symposium …, 1983 -
We announce an algebraic approach to the problem of assigning canonical forms to graphs.
We compute canonical forms and the associated canonical labelings (or renumberings) in …

Designing programs that check their work

M Blum, S Kannan - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1995 -
A program correctness checker is an algorithm for checking the output of a computation.
That is, given a program and an instance on which the program is run, the checker certifies …

[BOK][B] The graph isomorphism problem: its structural complexity

J Kobler, U Schöning, J Torán - 2012 -
Recently, a variety ofresults on the complexitystatusofthegraph isomorphism problem has
been obtained. These results belong to the so-called structural part of Complexity Theory …

The hidden subgroup problem-review and open problems

C Lomont - arxiv preprint quant-ph/0411037, 2004 -
An overview of quantum computing and in particular the Hidden Subgroup Problem are
presented from a mathematical viewpoint. Detailed proofs are supplied for many important …

Engineering an efficient canonical labeling tool for large and sparse graphs

T Junttila, P Kaski - 2007 Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Algorithm …, 2007 - SIAM
The problem of canonically labeling a graph is studied. Within the general framework of
backtracking algorithms based on individualization and refinement, data structures …