Measuring the survivability of networks to geographic correlated failures
Wide area backbone communication networks are subject to a variety of hazards that can
result in network component failures. Hazards such as power failures and storms can lead to …
result in network component failures. Hazards such as power failures and storms can lead to …
Finding critical regions and region-disjoint paths in a network
Due to their importance to society, communication networks should be built and operated to
withstand failures. However, cost considerations make network providers less inclined to …
withstand failures. However, cost considerations make network providers less inclined to …
List of shared risk link groups representing regional failures with limited size
Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) is a failure the network is prepared for, which contains a set
of links subject to a common risk of single failure. During planning a backbone network, the …
of links subject to a common risk of single failure. During planning a backbone network, the …
Fast enumeration of regional link failures caused by disasters with limited size
At backbone network planning, an important task is to identify the failures to get prepared for.
Technically, a list of link sets, called Shared Risk Link Groups (SRLG), is defined. The …
Technically, a list of link sets, called Shared Risk Link Groups (SRLG), is defined. The …
How to model and enumerate geographically correlated failure events in communication networks
Several works shed light on the vulnerability of networks against regional failures, which are
failures of multiple pieces of equipment in a geographical region as a result of a natural or …
failures of multiple pieces of equipment in a geographical region as a result of a natural or …
Enumerating Maximal Shared Risk Link Groups of Circular Disk Failures Hitting k Nodes
Many recent studies shed light on the vulnerability of networks against large-scale natural
disasters. The corresponding network failures, called regional failures, are manifested at …
disasters. The corresponding network failures, called regional failures, are manifested at …
DateLine: Efficient Algorithm for Computing Region Disjoint Paths in Backbone Networks
Survivable routing is crucial in backbone networks to ensure connectivity, even during
failures. During network design, groups of network elements prone to potential failure events …
failures. During network design, groups of network elements prone to potential failure events …
Max-flow min-cut theorem and faster algorithms in a circular disk failure model
Y Kobayashi, K Otsuki - IEEE INFOCOM 2014-IEEE conference …, 2014 -
Fault-tolerance is one of the most important factors in designing networks. Failures in
networks are sometimes caused by an event occurring in specific geographical regions such …
networks are sometimes caused by an event occurring in specific geographical regions such …
Improved max-flow min-cut algorithms in a circular disk failure model with application to a road network
In the evaluation of network reliability, the objectives are to model reliability of networks
appropriately and to compute it in a realistic time. We can consider various models of …
appropriately and to compute it in a realistic time. We can consider various models of …
The Earth is nearly flat: Precise and approximate algorithms for detecting vulnerable regions of networks in the plane and on the sphere
Several recent works shed light on the vulnerability of networks against regional failures,
which are failures of multiple pieces of equipment in a geographical region as a result of a …
which are failures of multiple pieces of equipment in a geographical region as a result of a …