Optimizing Mixed-Model Synchronous Assembly Lines with Bipartite Sequence-Dependent Setup Times in Advanced Manufacturing
In advanced manufacturing, optimizing mixed-model synchronous assembly lines (MMALs)
is crucial for enhancing productivity and adhering to sustainability principles, particularly in …
is crucial for enhancing productivity and adhering to sustainability principles, particularly in …
Multi‐Item Multiperiodic Inventory Control Problem with Variable Demand and Discounts: A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
A multi‐item multiperiod inventory control model is developed for known‐deterministic
variable demands under limited available budget. Assuming the order quantity is more than …
variable demands under limited available budget. Assuming the order quantity is more than …
[PDF][PDF] Automated progress monitoring in modular construction factories using computer vision and building information modeling
Modular construction methods have recently gained interest due to the advantages offered
in terms of safety, quality, and productivity for projects. In this method, a significant portion of …
in terms of safety, quality, and productivity for projects. In this method, a significant portion of …
[HTML][HTML] (r, Q) stock replenishment in multi-mode distribution systems with uncertain delivery channels and adaptive channel allocation
P Ignaciuk - Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
To mitigate the impact of uncertainty in goods distribution systems, multiple channels and
transportation modes may be used. In this paper, a discrete-time model of supplier-depot …
transportation modes may be used. In this paper, a discrete-time model of supplier-depot …
A three-layer supply chain EPQ model for price-and stock-dependent stochastic demand with imperfect item under rework
In this paper, we have developed an integrated supplier-manufacturer-retailer, joint
economic lot-sizing model for the items with stochastic demand and imperfect quality. The …
economic lot-sizing model for the items with stochastic demand and imperfect quality. The …
(r, Q) inventory management in complex distribution systems of the One Belt One Road initiative
The paper addresses the inventory management problem in logistic systems with a
networked structure in the context of new transit corridors arising from the One Belt One …
networked structure in the context of new transit corridors arising from the One Belt One …
Monitoring installation of partially occluded subassemblies in modular construction factories using BIM, ray tracing, and computer vision
Modular and offsite construction methods are being increasingly adopted due to the
advantages they offer in terms of project completion time, quality, and energy-efficiency …
advantages they offer in terms of project completion time, quality, and energy-efficiency …
A fuzzy dynamic multi-objective, multi-item model by considering customer satisfaction in supply chain
S Fazli Besheli, R Nemati Keshteli… - Scientia …, 2017 - scientiairanica.sharif.edu
Customer satisfaction is an important issue in competitive strategic management of
companies. Supply chain logistical and cross-functional drivers have an important role to …
companies. Supply chain logistical and cross-functional drivers have an important role to …
(r, Q) Inventory Control in Multi-Modal Distribution Systems with Flexible Channel Allocation
P Ignaciuk - 2022 17th International Conference on Control …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In order to improve supply system robustness, or gain cost advantage, multiple delivery
modes may be used. In this work, the (r, Q) inventory policy is formally investigated as a tool …
modes may be used. In this work, the (r, Q) inventory policy is formally investigated as a tool …
Model Persediaan Antara Produsen Dan Distributor Yang Terintegrasi Dalam Rantai Pasok Produksi Pupuk
K Khotimah - MODEL PERSEDIAAN ANTARA PRODUSEN DAN …, 2021 - eprints.umg.ac.id
Along with the development of an increasingly competitive industrial environment, it takes a
disciplined supply chain management that aims to optimize the availability of products from …
disciplined supply chain management that aims to optimize the availability of products from …