Optimizing Mixed-Model Synchronous Assembly Lines with Bipartite Sequence-Dependent Setup Times in Advanced Manufacturing

A Varyani, M Salehi, M Heydari Gharahcheshmeh - Energies, 2024 - mdpi.com
In advanced manufacturing, optimizing mixed-model synchronous assembly lines (MMALs)
is crucial for enhancing productivity and adhering to sustainability principles, particularly in …

Multi‐Item Multiperiodic Inventory Control Problem with Variable Demand and Discounts: A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

SM Mousavi, STA Niaki… - The Scientific World …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
A multi‐item multiperiod inventory control model is developed for known‐deterministic
variable demands under limited available budget. Assuming the order quantity is more than …

[PDF][PDF] Automated progress monitoring in modular construction factories using computer vision and building information modeling

R Panahi, J Louis, A Podder, S Pless… - … on Automation and …, 2023 - researchgate.net
Modular construction methods have recently gained interest due to the advantages offered
in terms of safety, quality, and productivity for projects. In this method, a significant portion of …

[HTML][HTML] (r, Q) stock replenishment in multi-mode distribution systems with uncertain delivery channels and adaptive channel allocation

P Ignaciuk - Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
To mitigate the impact of uncertainty in goods distribution systems, multiple channels and
transportation modes may be used. In this paper, a discrete-time model of supplier-depot …

A three-layer supply chain EPQ model for price-and stock-dependent stochastic demand with imperfect item under rework

S Pal, GS Mahapatra, GP Samanta - Journal of Uncertainty Analysis and …, 2016 - Springer
In this paper, we have developed an integrated supplier-manufacturer-retailer, joint
economic lot-sizing model for the items with stochastic demand and imperfect quality. The …

(r, Q) inventory management in complex distribution systems of the One Belt One Road initiative

Ł Wieczorek, P Ignaciuk - International Journal of Ship** …, 2022 - inderscienceonline.com
The paper addresses the inventory management problem in logistic systems with a
networked structure in the context of new transit corridors arising from the One Belt One …

Monitoring installation of partially occluded subassemblies in modular construction factories using BIM, ray tracing, and computer vision

R Panahi, J Louis, A Podder, C Swanson, S Pless… - Construction …, 2025 - Springer
Modular and offsite construction methods are being increasingly adopted due to the
advantages they offer in terms of project completion time, quality, and energy-efficiency …

A fuzzy dynamic multi-objective, multi-item model by considering customer satisfaction in supply chain

S Fazli Besheli, R Nemati Keshteli… - Scientia …, 2017 - scientiairanica.sharif.edu
Customer satisfaction is an important issue in competitive strategic management of
companies. Supply chain logistical and cross-functional drivers have an important role to …

(r, Q) Inventory Control in Multi-Modal Distribution Systems with Flexible Channel Allocation

P Ignaciuk - 2022 17th International Conference on Control …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In order to improve supply system robustness, or gain cost advantage, multiple delivery
modes may be used. In this work, the (r, Q) inventory policy is formally investigated as a tool …

Model Persediaan Antara Produsen Dan Distributor Yang Terintegrasi Dalam Rantai Pasok Produksi Pupuk

K Khotimah - MODEL PERSEDIAAN ANTARA PRODUSEN DAN …, 2021 - eprints.umg.ac.id
Along with the development of an increasingly competitive industrial environment, it takes a
disciplined supply chain management that aims to optimize the availability of products from …