[HTML][HTML] A review of the combined effects of climate change and other local human stressors on the marine environment
Climate change (CC) is a key, global driver of change of marine ecosystems. At local and
regional scales, other local human stressors (LS) can interact with CC and modify its effects …
regional scales, other local human stressors (LS) can interact with CC and modify its effects …
Integrated ocean management for a sustainable ocean economy
The rapidly evolving ocean economy, driven by human needs for food, energy,
transportation and recreation, has led to unprecedented pressures on the ocean that are …
transportation and recreation, has led to unprecedented pressures on the ocean that are …
Four priority areas to advance invasion science in the face of rapid environmental change
Unprecedented rates of introduction and spread of non-native species pose burgeoning
challenges to biodiversity, natural resource management, regional economies, and human …
challenges to biodiversity, natural resource management, regional economies, and human …
Environmental stressors, complex interactions and marine benthic communities' responses
The increasing number and diversity of anthropogenic stressors in marine habitats have
multiple negative impacts on biological systems, biodiversity and ecosystem functions …
multiple negative impacts on biological systems, biodiversity and ecosystem functions …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring multiple stressor effects with Ecopath, Ecosim, and Ecospace: Research designs, modeling techniques, and future directions
Understanding the cumulative effects of multiple stressors is a research priority in
environmental science. Ecological models are a key component of tackling this challenge …
environmental science. Ecological models are a key component of tackling this challenge …
Combined effects of human pressures on Europe's marine ecosystems
Marine ecosystems are under high demand for human use, giving concerns about how
pressures from human activities may affect their structure, function, and status. In Europe …
pressures from human activities may affect their structure, function, and status. In Europe …
Chemical mixtures and multiple stressors: Same but different?
Ecosystems are strongly influenced by multiple anthropogenic stressors, including a wide
range of chemicals and their mixtures. Studies on the effects of multiple stressors have …
range of chemicals and their mixtures. Studies on the effects of multiple stressors have …
A review of marine stressors impacting Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, with an assessment of the major threats to English stocks
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar is a socio-economically important anadromous fish species that
has suffered synchronous population declines around the North Atlantic over the last five …
has suffered synchronous population declines around the North Atlantic over the last five …
[HTML][HTML] Cumulative impact assessment for ecosystem-based marine spatial planning
Claims for ocean space are growing while marine ecosystems suffer from centuries of
insufficient care. Human pressures from runoff, atmospheric emissions, marine pollution …
insufficient care. Human pressures from runoff, atmospheric emissions, marine pollution …
Evaluation of marine spatial planning requires fit for purpose monitoring strategies
Marine spatial planning (MSP) has rapidly become the most widely used integrated, place-
based management approach in the marine environment. Monitoring and evaluation of MSP …
based management approach in the marine environment. Monitoring and evaluation of MSP …