Systems neuroscience of natural behaviors in rodents

EJ Dennis, A El Hady, A Michaiel, A Clemens… - Journal of …, 2021 -
Animals evolved in complex environments, producing a wide range of behaviors, including
navigation, foraging, prey capture, and conspecific interactions, which vary over timescales …

Fos ensembles encode and shape stable spatial maps in the hippocampus

NL Pettit, EL Yap, ME Greenberg, CD Harvey - Nature, 2022 -
In the hippocampus, spatial maps are formed by place cells while contextual memories are
thought to be encoded as engrams,,,,–. Engrams are typically identified by expression of the …

Inception loops discover what excites neurons most using deep predictive models

EY Walker, FH Sinz, E Cobos, T Muhammad… - Nature …, 2019 -
Finding sensory stimuli that drive neurons optimally is central to understanding information
processing in the brain. However, optimizing sensory input is difficult due to the …

Standardized and reproducible measurement of decision-making in mice

International Brain Laboratory, V Aguillon-Rodriguez… - Elife, 2021 -
Progress in science requires standardized assays whose results can be readily shared,
compared, and reproduced across laboratories. Reproducibility, however, has been a …

Standardized and reproducible measurement of decision-making in mice

TIB Laboratory, V Aguillon-Rodriguez, D Angelaki… - Elife, 2021 -
eLife digest In science, it is of vital importance that multiple studies corroborate the same
result. Researchers therefore need to know all the details of previous experiments in order to …

Learning divisive normalization in primary visual cortex

MF Burg, SA Cadena, GH Denfield… - PLoS computational …, 2021 -
Divisive normalization (DN) is a prominent computational building block in the brain that has
been proposed as a canonical cortical operation. Numerous experimental studies have …

Corticothalamic feedback sculpts visual spatial integration in mouse thalamus

G Born, FA Schneider-Soupiadis, S Erisken… - Nature …, 2021 -
En route from the retina to the cortex, visual information passes through the dorsolateral
geniculate nucleus (dLGN) of the thalamus, where extensive corticothalamic (CT) feedback …

Circuit mechanisms underlying chromatic encoding in Drosophila photoreceptors

SL Heath, MP Christenson, E Oriol… - Current Biology, 2020 -
Spectral information is commonly processed in the brain through generation of antagonistic
responses to different wavelengths. In many species, these color opponent signals arise as …

Pattern completion and disruption characterize contextual modulation in the visual cortex

J Fu, S Shrinivasan, L Baroni, Z Ding, PG Fahey… - …, 2024 -
Vision is fundamentally context-dependent, with neuronal responses influenced not just by
local features but also by surrounding contextual information. In the visual cortex, studies …

Citric acid water as an alternative to water restriction for high-yield mouse behavior

AE Urai, V Aguillon-Rodriguez, IC Laranjeira… - Eneuro, 2021 -
Powerful neural measurement and perturbation tools have positioned mice as an ideal
species for probing the neural circuit mechanisms of cognition. Crucial to this success is the …