Low-cost internet-of-things water-quality monitoring system for rural areas
Water is a vital source for life and natural environments. This is the reason why water
sources should be constantly monitored in order to detect any pollutants that might …
sources should be constantly monitored in order to detect any pollutants that might …
Monitoring and spatial traceability of river water quality using Sentinel-2 satellite images
Due to limited monitoring stations along rivers, it is difficult to trace the specific locations of
high pollution areas along the whole river by traditionally in situ measurement. High …
high pollution areas along the whole river by traditionally in situ measurement. High …
Real-time measurement of total nitrogen for agricultural runoff based on multiparameter sensors and intelligent algorithms
Real-time monitoring of non-point source (NPS) pollution is challenging owing to the minute-
scale change in runoff flow and concentration under rainfall condition. In this study, we …
scale change in runoff flow and concentration under rainfall condition. In this study, we …
A hybrid remote sensing approach for estimating chemical oxygen demand concentration in optically complex waters: A case study in inland lake waters in eastern …
Chemical oxygen demand concentration (C COD) is widely used to indicate the degree of
organic pollution of lakes, reservoirs and rivers. Mastering the spatiotemporal distribution of …
organic pollution of lakes, reservoirs and rivers. Mastering the spatiotemporal distribution of …
[HTML][HTML] Water quality retrieval from ZY1-02D hyperspectral imagery in urban water bodies and comparison with sentinel-2
Z Yang, C Gong, T Ji, Y Hu, L Li - Remote Sensing, 2022 - mdpi.com
Non-optically active water quality parameters in water bodies are important evaluation
indicators in monitoring urban water quality. Over the past years, satellite remote sensing …
indicators in monitoring urban water quality. Over the past years, satellite remote sensing …
Universal high-frequency monitoring methods of river water quality in China based on machine learning
The in-situ high-frequency monitoring of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in
rivers is a challenge and key to instant water quality judgment and early warning. Based on …
rivers is a challenge and key to instant water quality judgment and early warning. Based on …
Inversion and monitoring of the TP concentration in Taihu Lake using the landsat-8 and sentinel-2 images
Eutrophication is a significant factor that damages the water ecosystem's species balance.
The total phosphorus (TP) concentration is a vital water quality indicator in assessing …
The total phosphorus (TP) concentration is a vital water quality indicator in assessing …
[HTML][HTML] Water Quality Inversion of a Typical Rural Small River in Southeastern China Based on UAV Multispectral Imagery: A Comparison of Multiple Machine …
Y Chen, K Yao, B Zhu, Z Gao, J Xu, Y Li, Y Hu, F Lin… - Water, 2024 - mdpi.com
Remote sensing technology applications for water quality inversion in large rivers are
common. However, their application to medium/small-sized water bodies within rural areas …
common. However, their application to medium/small-sized water bodies within rural areas …
Improving the resolution of UAV-based remote sensing data of water quality of Lake Hachiroko, Japan by neural networks
K Matsui, H Shirai, Y Kageyama, H Yokoyama - Ecological Informatics, 2021 - Elsevier
Remote sensing techniques for periodically collecting global data have been widely used for
water quality monitoring. Satellites with a ground resolution of 10 to 30 m obtain information …
water quality monitoring. Satellites with a ground resolution of 10 to 30 m obtain information …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluating traditional empirical models and BPNN models in monitoring the concentrations of chlorophyll-A and total suspended particulate of eutrophic and …
B Jiang, H Liu, Q **ng, J Cai, X Zheng, L Li, S Liu… - Water, 2021 - mdpi.com
In order to use in situ sensed reflectance to monitor the concentrations of chlorophyll-a (Chl-
a) and total suspended particulate (TSP) of waters in the Pearl River Delta, which is featured …
a) and total suspended particulate (TSP) of waters in the Pearl River Delta, which is featured …