'You play like a Woman!'Effects of gender stereotype threat on Women's performance in physical and sport activities: A meta-analysis
Objectives The purpose of this quantitative review was to provide an estimation of the effect
of stereotype threat on women's performance in sport. Design This review employed a meta …
of stereotype threat on women's performance in sport. Design This review employed a meta …
Do mass mediated stereotypes harm members of negatively stereotyped groups? A meta-analytical review on media-generated stereotype threat and stereotype lift
Stereotype threat theory suggests that negative stereotypes and devaluing content in the
media impair the cognitive and educational achievement of members of the negatively …
media impair the cognitive and educational achievement of members of the negatively …
[CARTE][B] Psychology of prejudice and discrimination
ME Kite, BE Whitley Jr, LS Wagner - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination provides a comprehensive and compelling
overview of what psychological theory and research have to say about the nature, causes …
overview of what psychological theory and research have to say about the nature, causes …
Integration or isolation: Social identity threat relates to immigrant students' sense of belonging and social approach motivation in the academic context
Stigmatized individuals often feel threatened by negative stereotypes about their group.
Previous research showed that concerns about being negatively stereotyped (ie, social …
Previous research showed that concerns about being negatively stereotyped (ie, social …
[CARTE][B] Eltern-Schule-Migrationsgesellschaft
E Kollender - 2020 - degruyter.com
Die Zeit, in der diese Arbeit entstanden ist, war geprägt von vielen Bewegungen. Sowohl
von eigenen Bewegungen zwischen unterschiedlichen Wohn-, Arbeits-und Lebensorten …
von eigenen Bewegungen zwischen unterschiedlichen Wohn-, Arbeits-und Lebensorten …
Examining the academic motivation of a diverse student population: A consideration of methodology
In this article, we review research that has examined the association between race, ethnicity,
culture, and student motivation. We begin by describing potential problems regarding how …
culture, and student motivation. We begin by describing potential problems regarding how …
Why do minority students feel they don't fit in? Migration background and parental education differentially predict social ostracism and belongingness
S Janke, LAS Messerer, B Merkle… - Group Processes & …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Minority students' belongingness on campus has become an emergent topic in
psychological research. Past research has particularly focused on belonging uncertainty as …
psychological research. Past research has particularly focused on belonging uncertainty as …
Fitting in: How the intergroup context shapes minority acculturation and achievement
Children of immigrants are at risk of underachieving in school with long-lasting
consequences for future life-chances. Our research contextualises the achievement gap by …
consequences for future life-chances. Our research contextualises the achievement gap by …
Applications of identity-based theories to understand the impact of stigma and camouflaging on mental health outcomes for autistic people
Autistic people have long been conceptualized from a deficit-based model of disability, but
recent self-advocates and scholars have asserted the importance of recognizing autism as …
recent self-advocates and scholars have asserted the importance of recognizing autism as …
[CARTE][B] Hidden potential: The science of achieving greater things
A Grant - 2023 - books.google.com
# 1 New York Times Bestseller “This brilliant book will shatter your assumptions about what
it takes to improve and succeed. I wish I could go back in time and gift it to my younger self. It …
it takes to improve and succeed. I wish I could go back in time and gift it to my younger self. It …