Vegetation biomass and topography are associated with seasonal habitat selection and fall translocation behavior in Arctic hares
Habitat selection theory suggests that environmental features selected at coarse scales
reveal fundamental factors affecting animal fitness. When these factors vary across seasons …
reveal fundamental factors affecting animal fitness. When these factors vary across seasons …
Long-distance, synchronized and directional fall movements suggest migration in Arctic hares on Ellesmere Island (Canada)
Animal migration contributes largely to the seasonal dynamics of High Arctic ecosystems,
linking distant habitats and impacting ecosystem structure and function. In polar deserts …
linking distant habitats and impacting ecosystem structure and function. In polar deserts …
Animal movement ecology in India: insights from 2011–2021 and prospective for the future
The field of animal movement ecology has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past few
decades with the advent of sophisticated technology, advanced analytical tools, and multiple …
decades with the advent of sophisticated technology, advanced analytical tools, and multiple …
Sélection saisonnière de l'habitat chez le lièvre arctique (Lepus arcticus) dans le désert polaire de l'île d'Ellesmere
L Landry-Ducharme - 2022 -
La sélection d'habitat est un processus hiérarchique, les patrons observés à grande échelle
pouvant révéler des facteurs ayant un impact prépondérant sur la valeur adaptative d'un …
pouvant révéler des facteurs ayant un impact prépondérant sur la valeur adaptative d'un …