E-government systems success and user acceptance in develo** countries: the role of percieved support quality
H Al-Khatib, H Lee - … journal of ebusiness and egovernment studies, 2013 - dergipark.org.tr
This paper proposes a conceptual model to explain user acceptance of eGovernment
systems considering the diverse layers of user groups. Due to digital division develo** …
systems considering the diverse layers of user groups. Due to digital division develo** …
IT infrastructure role in the success of a banking system: The case of limited broadband access
B Borena, S Negash - Information Technology for Development, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This study provides empirical support for including IT infrastructure (ITI) as part of the
information systems (IS) success model. The IS success model has been validated in high …
information systems (IS) success model. The IS success model has been validated in high …
Innovative public governance through cloud computing: Information privacy, business models and performance measurement challenges
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze challenges and to discuss
proposed solutions for innovative public governance through cloud computing. Innovative …
proposed solutions for innovative public governance through cloud computing. Innovative …
[PDF][PDF] Modelo de Dinámica de Sistemas para la implantación de Tecnologías de la Información en la Gestión Estratégica Universitaria
IM Santa Catalina - Universidad del país Vasco, 2010 - academia.edu
Modelo de Dinámica de Sistemas para la implantación de Tecnologías de la Información en la
Gestión Estratégica Universitar Page 1 Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos …
Gestión Estratégica Universitar Page 1 Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos …
[PDF][PDF] An evaluation of information system success based on students' perspective: The case of Hadramount University
IEI Fadhel - Universiti Utara Malaysia, 2015 - etd.uum.edu.my
Abstract Evaluation of systems is an important part of systems development to improve
systems performance. However, studies showed a lack of research done on information …
systems performance. However, studies showed a lack of research done on information …
Factors Influencing the Development of eGovernment in Saudi Arabia: A Qualitative Investigation of the Developers' Perspectives
OA Alfarraj - 2013 - research-repository.griffith.edu.au
This dissertation aims to develop a deep understanding of the factors that influence the
development of eGovernment and contribute to the delay of its initiatives in Saudi Arabia …
development of eGovernment and contribute to the delay of its initiatives in Saudi Arabia …
Assessing online registration system's (ORS) success: an application of DeLone and McLean's model of information systems success
MS AwwAd, SM Al-Mohammad - 2010 - qspace.qu.edu.qa
The study applied DeLone and McLean's IS success model in the mandatory context of
online registration system (ORS) in one Jordanian university. Six dimensions were used to …
online registration system (ORS) in one Jordanian university. Six dimensions were used to …
The Role of IT Infrastructure in IS Success Model: Applying the IS Success Model in Low-Income Countries Context
B Borena - 2012 - aisel.aisnet.org
Abstract DeLone and McLean's Information Systems Success model was validated
empirically in many developed countries. However, it was not tested in Low-Income …
empirically in many developed countries. However, it was not tested in Low-Income …
Medidas de la eficacia de los sistemas de intercambio electrónico de datos basados en la especificación ASD 2000M
E Tuñón Nieto - 2014 - oa.upm.es
La Especificación Aeroespacial y de Defensa 2000M, también conocida como S2000M, es
un protocolo de intercambio electrónico de datos utilizado en el apoyo logístico de equipos …
un protocolo de intercambio electrónico de datos utilizado en el apoyo logístico de equipos …
[PDF][PDF] Auswahl, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Erfolg von Informationssystemen
J Sprenger - 2010 - repo.uni-hannover.de
Information systems are required for most entrepreneurial activities and are therefore of high
economic relevance. Their contribution to business success is determined by the selection …
economic relevance. Their contribution to business success is determined by the selection …