Gender and inequality in the global labor force

MB Mills - Annual Review of Anthropology, 2003 -
▪ Abstract This review examines the convergence of recent anthropological interests in
gender, labor, and globalization. Attention to gender and gender inequality offers a …

“Under western eyes” revisited: Feminist solidarity through anticapitalist struggles

CT Mohanty - Signs: Journal of Women in culture and …, 2003 -
Iwrite this essay at the urging of a number of friends and with some trepidation, revisiting the
themes and arguments of an essay written some sixteen years ago. This is a difficult essay …

[КНИГА][B] Globalizing women: Transnational feminist networks

VM Moghadam - 2005 -
Winner of the Victoria Schuck award given by the American Political Science Association
and an Honorable Mention in the Distinguished Book Award given by the Political Economy …

[КНИГА][B] What's love got to do with it?: Transnational desires and sex tourism in the Dominican Republic

D Brennan - 2004 -
In locations around the world, sex tourism is a booming business. What's Love Got to Do
with It? is an in-depth examination of the motivations of workers, clients, and others …

[КНИГА][B] Power, production and social reproduction: Human in/security in the global political economy

S Gill, I Bakker - 2003 -
Written by leading authorities from Europe, the Americas and Asia, this path-breaking work
develops an innovative and original theorization of global political economy. Whilst most …

Gender and international relations

L Sjoberg, CG Thies - Annual Review of Political Science, 2023 -
This is both an exciting and fraught time in the study of gender and sexuality in global
politics. On the one hand, feminist scholars build on more than 30 years of research in the …

Gender, capitalism and globalization

J Acker - Critical sociology, 2004 -
Gendering the discourse of globalization will help to develop a better understanding of
globalization processes and their consequences for women and men. I argue that gender …

1.8 From the 'woman's point of view'ten years later: Towards a feminist organization studies

MB Calás, L Smircich - The Sage handbook of organization studies, 2006 -
MARTA B. CALÁS AND LINDA SMIRCICH obtaining higher salaries than women (ILO
2004). In 2000, women in the US working full time year round earned 74 cents for every …

[КНИГА][B] A critical rewriting of global political economy: Integrating reproductive, productive and virtual economies

VS Peterson - 2004 -
Moving beyond a narrow definition of economics, this pioneering book advances our
knowledge of global political economy and how we might critically respond to it. V. Spike …

Promoting gender equality and empowering women? Tourism and the third Millennium Development Goal

L Ferguson - Current Issues in Tourism, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
The relationship between tourism and development has been explored in tourism studies
and in policy-making circles for several decades. However, very little research has been …