Self-organization of quasi-equilibrium steady-state condensation in accumulative ion-plasma devices

VI Perekrestov, AI Olemskoi, YO Kosminska… - Physics Letters A, 2009 - Elsevier
We consider both theoretically and experimentally self-organization process of quasi-
equilibrium steady-state condensation of sputtered substance in accumulative ion-plasma …

Self-organization of copper nanosystems under Volmer–Weber conditions during quasi-equilibrium condensation

VI Perekrestov, YO Kosminska… - Physica B: Condensed …, 2013 - Elsevier
Copper nanosystems were obtained by means of magnetron sputtering and further
deposition of extremely weak vapour fluxes onto glass ceramic substrates and KCl cleaved …

Regularities of self-organization of technological conditions during plasma-arc synthesis of carbon nanotubes

YO Kosminska, VI Perekrestov - Diamond and Related Materials, 2018 - Elsevier
The emerging concept of self-organization under conditions of plasma-surface interaction is
reflected in the present analytical study of the processes and causes of carbon nanotube …

Hierarchical condensation near phase equilibrium

AI Olemskoi, OV Yushchenko, VN Borisyuk… - Physica A: Statistical …, 2012 - Elsevier
A novel mechanism of new phase formation is studied both experimentally and theoretically
in the example of quasi-equilibrium stationary condensation in an ion–plasma sputterer …

Impact of selective processes on Al porous structures formation during self-organized quasi-equilibrium steady-state condensation

VI Perekrestov, YO Kosminska… - Journal of Porous …, 2013 - Springer
A novel approach of highly porous structures formation is described, which is based on
deposition of ion-sputtered substance in vicinity to thermodynamical equilibrium. The …

Investigation of conditions for a self-organized transition to the bistable regime of quasi-equilibrium condensation and strip** of the surface

AI Olemskoi, OV Yushchenko, TI Zhilenko - Physics of the Solid State, 2011 - Springer
The conditions providing the closeness of the steady-state condensation/sputtering process
to the phase equilibrium have been analyzed in the framework of the synergetic approach. It …

Self-organization of plasma-condensate quasi-equilibrium systems

VI Perekrestov, AI Olemskoĭ, AS Kornyushchenko… - Physics of the Solid …, 2009 - Springer
The steady-state regime of condensation under conditions close to the phase equilibrium is
shown to be provided by the self-organization of the plasma-condensate system. This self …

[PDF][PDF] Study of conditions for hierarchical condensation near the phase equilibrium

OI Olemskoi, OV Yushchenko, TI Zhylenko - Ukr. J. Phys, 2011 -
A new mechanism of phase formation has been proposed and studied, both experimentally
and theoretically, using quasiequilibrium stationary condensation in an ion-plasma atomizer …

Formation of nickel extended surface upon quasi-equilibrium steady-state condensation

VI Perekrestov, AA Mokrenko, YA Kosminskaya… - Journal of Surface …, 2011 - Springer
It has been established that nickel condensates in the form of low-dimensional porous
systems can be obtained at quasi-equilibrium steady-state condensation. On the basis of the …

Влияние усреднения энергии распыленных атомов на стационарность квазиравновесной конденсации

АА Мокренко, ЮА Косминская, ВИ Перекрестов - 2010 -
Эффективность нанотехнологий, связанных с переходом вещества в
сконденсированное состояние, зависит от решения двух основных задач. Первая из …