[HTML][HTML] The overreliance on statistical goodness-of-fit and under-reliance on model validation in discrete choice models: A review of validation practices in the …
An examination of model validation practices in the peer-reviewed transportation literature
published between 2014 and 2018 reveals that 92% of studies reported goodness-of-fit …
published between 2014 and 2018 reveals that 92% of studies reported goodness-of-fit …
A systematic review of the effect of infrastructural interventions to promote cycling: strengthening causal inference from observational data
Background Previous reviews have suggested that infrastructural interventions can be
effective in promoting cycling. Given inherent methodological complexities in the evaluation …
effective in promoting cycling. Given inherent methodological complexities in the evaluation …
[HTML][HTML] Modelling the effects of COVID-19 on travel mode choice behaviour in India
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented changes in the activity patterns and
travel behaviour around the world. Some of these behavioural changes are in response to …
travel behaviour around the world. Some of these behavioural changes are in response to …
Non-linear associations between built environment and active travel for working and shop**: An extreme gradient boosting approach
Active travel has environmental, social, and public health-related benefits. Researchers from
diverse domains have extensively studied built-environment associations with active travel …
diverse domains have extensively studied built-environment associations with active travel …
Challenges caused by increased use of e-powered personal mobility vehicles in European cities
J Zagorskas, M Burinskienė - Sustainability, 2019 - mdpi.com
Increased use of e-powered personal mobility vehicles is usually considered to be a positive
change, while it is generally agreed that Personal Mobility Vehicles (PMVs) effectively and …
change, while it is generally agreed that Personal Mobility Vehicles (PMVs) effectively and …
Exploring the influence of built environment on Uber demand
Ride-sourcing services have made significant changes to the transportation system,
essentially creating a new mode of transport, arguably with its own relative utility compared …
essentially creating a new mode of transport, arguably with its own relative utility compared …
Associations between built environment, perceived walkability/bikeability and metro transfer patterns
Z Gan, M Yang, Q Zeng, HJP Timmermans - Transportation Research Part …, 2021 - Elsevier
Most studies that address the integration of active modes (ie, walking and bicycling) and
public transit tend to focus on either transfer distance or feeder mode choice. Few articles …
public transit tend to focus on either transfer distance or feeder mode choice. Few articles …
Built for active travel? Investigating the contextual effects of the built environment on transportation mode choice
The study investigates the role of the built environment attributes and their contextual effects
on travel behaviour. The study utilized a dataset of 4739 respondents elicited from an online …
on travel behaviour. The study utilized a dataset of 4739 respondents elicited from an online …
Can we trust our eyes? Interpreting the misperception of road safety from street view images and deep learning
Road safety is a critical concern that impacts both human lives and urban development,
drawing significant attention from city managers and researchers. The perception of road …
drawing significant attention from city managers and researchers. The perception of road …
Connecting metros with shared electric scooters: Comparisons with shared bikes and taxis
The rapid rise of shared electric scooter (E-Scooter) systems offers urban areas a new micro-
mobility solution. The focus on short-distance travel has made it a competitive option for …
mobility solution. The focus on short-distance travel has made it a competitive option for …