Quantum quench dynamics
Quench dynamics is an active area of study encompassing condensed matter physics and
quantum information, with applications to cold-atomic gases and pump-probe spectroscopy …
quantum information, with applications to cold-atomic gases and pump-probe spectroscopy …
Transport in Out-of-Equilibrium Chains: Exact Profiles of Charges and Currents
We consider the nonequilibrium time evolution of piecewise homogeneous states in the XXZ
spin-1/2 chain, a paradigmatic example of an interacting integrable model. The initial state …
spin-1/2 chain, a paradigmatic example of an interacting integrable model. The initial state …
Driven dissipative dynamics and topology of quantum impurity systems
In this review, we provide an introduction to and an overview of some more recent advances
in real-time dynamics of quantum impurity models and their realizations in quantum devices …
in real-time dynamics of quantum impurity models and their realizations in quantum devices …
Orthogonality catastrophe as a consequence of the quantum speed limit
A remarkable feature of quantum many-body systems is the orthogonality catastrophe that
describes their extensively growing sensitivity to local perturbations and plays an important …
describes their extensively growing sensitivity to local perturbations and plays an important …
Quantum dynamical speedup in a nonequilibrium environment
X Cai, Y Zheng - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
We theoretically study the dynamical speedup of a quantum system in a nonequilibrium
environment. Based on the trace distance, we derive the generalized Margolus-Levitin and …
environment. Based on the trace distance, we derive the generalized Margolus-Levitin and …
Diffusion and thermalization in a boundary-driven dephasing model
We study a model of noninteracting spinless fermions coupled to local dephasing and
boundary drive and described within a Lindblad master equation. The model features an …
boundary drive and described within a Lindblad master equation. The model features an …
Ultracold quantum wires with localized losses: Many-body quantum Zeno effect
We study a one-dimensional system of interacting spinless fermions subject to a localized
loss, where the interplay of gapless quantum fluctuations and particle interactions leads to …
loss, where the interplay of gapless quantum fluctuations and particle interactions leads to …
Fluctuation-induced quantum Zeno effect
An isolated quantum gas with a localized loss features a nonmonotonic behavior of the
particle loss rate as an incarnation of the quantum Zeno effect, as recently shown in …
particle loss rate as an incarnation of the quantum Zeno effect, as recently shown in …
Local quenches with global effects in interacting quantum systems
We study one-dimensional lattices of interacting spins-1 2 and show that the effects of
quenching the amplitude of a local magnetic field applied to a single site of the lattice can be …
quenching the amplitude of a local magnetic field applied to a single site of the lattice can be …
Transient Dynamics of -Wave Superconductors after a Sudden Excitation
Motivated by recent ultrafast pump-probe experiments on high-temperature
superconductors, we discuss the transient dynamics of ad-wave BCS model after a quantum …
superconductors, we discuss the transient dynamics of ad-wave BCS model after a quantum …