The split ladder of participation: A diagnostic, strategic, and evaluation tool to assess when participation is necessary

M Hurlbert, J Gupta - Environmental Science & Policy, 2015 - Elsevier
The mainstream literature sees participation as critical to deepening democracy and solving
complex environmental issues. An explosion of literature on public participation has …

[HTML][HTML] Multi-loop social learning for sustainable land and water governance: Towards a research agenda on the potential of virtual learning platforms

W Medema, A Wals, J Adamowski - NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life …, 2014 - Elsevier
Managing social-ecological systems and human well being in a sustainable way requires
knowledge of these systems in their full complexity. Multi-loop social learning is recognized …

International organizations and institutions

LL Martin, BA Simmons - Handbook of international relations, 2013 -
Background The term international institution has been used over the course of the last few
decades to refer to a broad range of phenomena. In the early postwar years, these words …

Climate change: What do we know about the IPCC?

M Hulme, M Mahony - Progress in Physical Geography, 2010 -
This is the first of a series of three biennial reviews of research on the subject of climate
change. This review is concerned with the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change …

Public participation for sustainability and social learning: Concepts and lessons from three case studies in Europe

E Garmendia, S Stagl - Ecological economics, 2010 - Elsevier
Sha** change such that it avoids losing potentially useful options for future development
is a challenging task in the face of complex, coevolving socio-ecological systems …

Public-private partnerships for the earth: politics and patterns of hybrid authority in the multilateral system

LB Andonova - Global environmental politics, 2010 -
The article examines the politics and patterns of public-private partnerships for the
environment in the multilateral system. It argues that two kinds of dynamics have contributed …

Who teaches and who learns? Policy learning through the C40 cities climate network

T Lee, S Van de Meene - Policy Sciences, 2012 - Springer
This study examines the network structure of policy learning in the C40 Cities Climate
Leadership Group, which is a network of the world's largest cities committed to tackling …

The role of social learning in adaptiveness: insights from water management

L Lebel, T Grothmann, B Siebenhüner - … Agreements: Politics, Law and …, 2010 - Springer
The article introduces the notion of adaptiveness and discusses the role of social learning in
it. Adaptiveness refers to the capacity of a social actor or social–ecological system to adapt …

Learning our way out of environmental policy problems: A review of the scholarship

AK Gerlak, T Heikkila, SL Smolinski, D Huitema… - Policy Sciences, 2018 - Springer
In acknowledgement of the complexity of environmental challenges, research on learning in
environmental policy has grown substantially over the past two decades across a range of …

Ecological reflexivity: Characterising an elusive virtue for governance in the Anthropocene

J Pickering - Environmental Politics, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Reflexivity–the capacity of an agent, structure or process to change in the light of reflection
on its performance–has attracted widespread support among political theorists as a virtue for …