Survey on broadcast algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks
Networking at any time and any place paves the way for a large number of possible
applications in ad hoc networks, from disaster relief in remote areas to network extension …
applications in ad hoc networks, from disaster relief in remote areas to network extension …
A survey on probabilistic broadcast schemes for wireless ad hoc networks
Broadcast or flooding is a dissemination technique of paramount importance in wireless ad
hoc networks. The broadcast scheme is widely used within routing protocols by a wide …
hoc networks. The broadcast scheme is widely used within routing protocols by a wide …
Broadcast capacity in multihop wireless networks
In this paper we study the broadcast capacity of multihop wireless networks which we define
as the maximum rate at which broadcast packets can be generated in the network such that …
as the maximum rate at which broadcast packets can be generated in the network such that …
A neighbor-based probabilistic broadcast protocol for data dissemination in mobile IoT networks
The recent trend of implementing Internet of Things (IoT) applications is to transmit sensing
data to a powerful data center and try to discover the valuable knowledge behind “Big Data” …
data to a powerful data center and try to discover the valuable knowledge behind “Big Data” …
An efficient counter-based broadcast scheme for mobile ad hoc networks
In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), broadcasting plays a fundamental role, diffusing a
message from a given source node to all the other nodes in the network. Flooding is the …
message from a given source node to all the other nodes in the network. Flooding is the …
Rapid: Reliable probabilistic dissemination in wireless ad-hoc networks
V Drabkin, R Friedman, G Kliot… - 2007 26th IEEE …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we propose a novel reliable probabilistic dissemination protocol, RAPID, for
mobile wireless ad-hoc networks that tolerates message omissions, node crashes, and …
mobile wireless ad-hoc networks that tolerates message omissions, node crashes, and …
Dynamic probabilistic counter-based broadcasting in mobile ad hoc networks
In Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANETs), flooding is the simplest broadcasting mechanism
where each node retransmits every uniquely received packet exactly once. Despite its …
where each node retransmits every uniquely received packet exactly once. Despite its …
DRB and DCCB: Efficient and robust dynamic broadcast for ad hoc and sensor networks
Deterministic, timer-based broadcast schemes not only guarantee full reachability over an
idealistic lossless MAC layer, they also stand out for their robustness against node failure as …
idealistic lossless MAC layer, they also stand out for their robustness against node failure as …
A dynamic probabilistic based broadcasting scheme for manets
K Shanmugam, K Subburathinam… - The Scientific World …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
MANET is commonly known as Mobile Ad Hoc Network in which cluster of mobile nodes can
communicate with each other without having any basic infrastructure. The basic …
communicate with each other without having any basic infrastructure. The basic …
Neighbourhood-aware counter-based broadcast scheme for wireless ad hoc networks
SO Al-Humoud, LM Mackenzie… - 2008 IEEE Globecom …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Broadcasting is a vital operation in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and it is crucial to
enhance its efficiency to ensure successful deployment. Although flooding is ideal for …
enhance its efficiency to ensure successful deployment. Although flooding is ideal for …